Sunshine Tour and Individual Show


2 May 2022
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Adding onto my previous post, this is my first year competing at the Sunshine Tour - it's also the largest show me and my Welsh C mare have been too, we've only ever done local shows.
We're competing in Family Horse and Pony, in hand and ridden M&M. My friend is also competing in the ridden Veteran.

Would anyone be able to give me some tips or advice for preparation and on the day? How competitive is it? Are there many spectators/trade stands or is it more of a quiet show?

I know the stables are on grass so bring a rug, bring breakfast and to check the place out before riding because it's a longer journey to the show rings than expected.

Also is the following a ok individual show for the ridden M&M: yellow= walk, green = trot, blue = canter and purple = gallop:Screenshot_2022-08-18-23-45-16-89_99c04817c0de5652397fc8b56c3b3817.jpg
• Walk away from the judge then turn left at the end, start trotting,
• Change diagonal,
• Start cantering in the corner and canter along long edge then come back to trot,
• Trot across the diagonal,
• Canter in the corner again and along the long side,
• Gallop when you reach the other long side,
• Come back to canter then trot till centre line,
• Walk when 6/7 paces away from the judge, stop and nod.
(I'll avoid galloping behind the line up as heard that's not recommended?)

Thank you in advance!
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Well-Known Member
17 January 2009
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Show mantra should always be keep it simple so less can go wrong. Might be a set show so in that case make sure you know exactly what is required. Walk away from judge and trot back towards them, canter at corner change of rein then extend down long side. Do not trot a figure of eight then canter same there simply won’t be enough time and the judge / spectators will be frustrated after 18 people have attempted to get a correct strike off incorrectly ?
28 February 2011
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How much to you want to win and how much do you trust your pony?

You want it short, sweet but impressive. There may be a set show which I find incredibly boring. But if your pony is very well schooled and you know you can pull it off do your show backwards.

Walk away from the judge
Canter round the top
Extend down the long side
Back to canter round to change the rein
Show a few stride of walk on a loose rein
Gather up and canter a circle the other way
Trot across the middle and proceed to trot a circle
Back to walk
Halt - make your you actually stand still! I can't bear it when people salute and their pony hasn't finished moving! Halt for 3 seconds then salute.
Pat the pony and walk away on a loose rein.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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I’ve been three times and won the in-hand condition and turn out and in-hand veteran twice. I was placed 7th in the ridden veteran last year and 7th in the overall veteran championship. I would say it is pretty competitive and the majority look very

The classes are mostly large with 20 plus competitors per class. We had to do two tranches for the canter round section. The show was a short set one and we had two judges one which looked at the show and one which looked at straightness and levelness in more depth so we had to do a walk away and a trot back.

The warm-up arenas and around the rings are packed with competitors waiting. If you go right over behind the jumping arenas you can find a quieter space.

There are some stands selling horsey stuff and the ST clothing. Some foods outlets. Not like a big county show but enough to serve. Plenty of toilets.

It’s overall a lovely show and well organised with a welcoming but championship feel to it. We haven’t stayed over as only an hour away so go on the day.

In hand condition and turn-out in 2017

Last year 2021


2 May 2022
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I’ve been three times and won the in-hand condition and turn out and in-hand veteran twice. I was placed 7th in the ridden veteran last year and 7th in the overall veteran championship. I would say it is pretty competitive and the majority look very

The classes are mostly large with 20 plus competitors per class. We had to do two tranches for the canter round section. The show was a short set one and we had two judges one which looked at the show and one which looked at straightness and levelness in more depth so we had to do a walk away and a trot back.

The warm-up arenas and around the rings are packed with competitors waiting. If you go right over behind the jumping arenas you can find a quieter space.

There are some stands selling horsey stuff and the ST clothing. Some foods outlets. Not like a big county show but enough to serve. Plenty of toilets.

It’s overall a lovely show and well organised with a welcoming but championship feel to it. We haven’t stayed over as only an hour away so go on the day.

In hand condition and turn-out in 2017

Last year 2021
Congratulations, horse looks incredible and thank you for the info.
How many are placed in each class? Is it 1st to 8th?