Sweaty Sheath

Grumpy Herbert

Well-Known Member
27 March 2007
Nowhere, middle of....
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I was grooming my 22 year old gelding today and noticed that the outside of his sheath and inside of the top of his legs were dripping with what I assume was sweat. He wasn't sweaty anywhere else and was *ahem* enjoying being groomed!! (he has a tendency to get his winky out when he gets groomed). He wasn't distressed at all, and was wolfing his hay down and then wolfed his tea down. Neither his sheath nor legs were swollen.

He has COPD, and had to have a steroid shot a couple of days ago as his breathing was really bad. He also has a sarcoid on his sheath, which I will be having treated with Liverpool cream once summer's over and the flies are gone. Has anyone had any similar experiences? My YO is getting the vet out anyway, but I just wondered if anyone had encountered this before. I've had horses for many, many years and I've never seen anything like it.