So I noticed once in November that my 4yo mare had a bit of a swollen LH, just above fetlock. It went away the next day and I didn’t think much of it. Fast forward a few weeks and she started showing signs of ulcers- scoped for pyloric ulcers. So of course I thought of that left leg as vet said to keep an open mind about pain causing the ulcers. The swelling has since reappeared but mild and only in the windgall area (tendon sheath) and is only in the left hind and not the right. The asymmetry is a concern to me. So I called the vet and explained the situation he said that we should do X-rays to check the fetlock joint. All X-rays are fine, and I asked the vet should we do ultrasounds to check the soft tissues, he said no because he could feel the tendon and everything felt like it was there and as it should be. He said I should Put hind shoes on (currently only shod on front) as it may be concussion from having no shoes on the hind feet. The more I read I’m thinking it’s a tendon issue. She’s not lame, no heat in the swelling area and doesn’t mind it being poked and prodded.
Should I go back to my vet and say I really think we should do ultra sounds even though the vet said it would be a waste of time?
Help! I have considered a change of vet, but current vet is a family friend so I don’t want to cause any problems.
Should I go back to my vet and say I really think we should do ultra sounds even though the vet said it would be a waste of time?
Help! I have considered a change of vet, but current vet is a family friend so I don’t want to cause any problems.