Synthetic saddles in hunting field, general turn-out advice & support


Well-Known Member
23 January 2006
I haven't been hunting with foxhounds since I was under 18 (am now 25) but have been out regularly with bloodhounds for the last few years. Anyway, I am going out with foxhounds in about four weeks, and just wanted some advice and a bit of support :)

The lad I'm taking has a nice leather saddle, but I'd rather hunt him in his synthetic, as last time I fell off (all be it a few years ago) he ran under some low trees and scratched his new saddle to pieces, ripping the leather in one place. To avoid this happening again (as he is so full of himself at the moment I will probably hit the deck), I would rather put his wintec on - would this be frowned upon? Also he gets very strong the first few times out (haven't done anything this season yet as been too busy at work) so need to decide whether to put him in his double bridle, or a waterford dutch gag?

I have only got a pair of Konig dressage boots, but do have leather jod-boots and gaiters - which would look more out of place?

Do many people put bandages/boots on their horses whilst hunting? I always bandage my lad when out with bloodhounds, and get laughed at by most of the field. However, there are quite a lot of horses out with boots on. I have noticed though that in pictures in H&H there are very few/no horses wearing boots other than overeach boots. TBH my lad is probably ok without boots but I am just paranoid and worried!

Is it acceptable to take a small digital camera and get some snaps of the hunting field or is this frowned upon?

Thank you all in advance :grin:


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11 August 2005
off to Hell in a hangingbasket
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I’ve always hunted in my Wintec and tbh, I doubt anybody notices or cares, lol. A lot of people have synthetics these days as they’re practical when you’re spending hours out in the rain and they look a lot better than they did years ago. As long as you’re clean and tidy, everybody’s happy :)

I hunt in my jod boots and gaiters as my leather long boots are reserved for more sedate activities such as showing or dressage – they were far too expensive to risk ruining and I can’t afford another pair if they are. Again, as long as they’re clean (they won’t be for long, lol), nobody will notice or care.

I can’t comment on which bit & bridle to use as I don’t know your horse but you’re probably better off going with more brakes than usual, at least the first time, so you have a bit more control if he gets over-excited.

With regards to boots, most people don’t use them but if you are planning on it, people on here will be able to advise you. I think those that do tend to tape them on but I’m not sure as I don’t use them.

Take the camera in your pocket, I’m sure you’ll be ok – but try not to fall off and land on it! I take my phone in my jacket pocket and nobody complains if I take a few snaps

Phew – anything else? ;)

chestnut cob

Well-Known Member
24 November 2004
Well, I take mine out in a Wintec saddle and no one has complained! TBH, I think I'd have something to say to them if they did. My money is as good as anyone else's, whether I'm in a synthetic saddle or not!

As for the bit, if he's strong enough to warrant a double then I'd use that. But then I'm not a fan of waterford gags TBH, mine hates the one I have even though I did use 2 reins and a curb strap.

I never put boots or bandages on mine, just OR boots because I don't want him pulling off his v expensive lateral extension shoes. I've seen a few people out with the on but not many :)


Well-Known Member
23 January 2006
Well, just as an aside to the original post, I am also off hunting with staghounds on boxing day (my lovely OH arranged it for me :) ) I will be on a hireling, so no need to worry about horse-attire, but should I wear the same sort of thing?

Also, plaiting - I've noticed a lot of people no longer bother - is it still the done thing or will I look out of place if I make the effort?

chestnut cob

Well-Known Member
24 November 2004
No idea about staghounds as never been but how lovely of your OH! :D

No plaiting for cubbing/ autumn hunting but I would always plait for hunting proper. Horse has a pulled tail so obv can't plait that, but mane will be plaited, even if I have to pay my YO to do it when I don't have time.


Well-Known Member
19 December 2005
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I dont think they are really botherd what saddle you go in. lets face it when your sat in it, you cant really see very much of it can you!