Tack being hammered with all this rain!! :(


Well-Known Member
16 September 2010
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Not sure how everyone else is doing tack wise but here is Wales my tack is having a hammering........ it's so bloomin wet !!!!!! My tack is barely dry from one meet to the next and despite being really good quality English leather, it's looking and feeling awful.

What is everyone using to protect thier tack in this weather? Can anyone recommend a really good leather care product? The old faithful Neatsfoot and other leather balsams are just not cutting it at the moment........ I don't care about cost, I spend a lot on tack so looking after it is paramount !! TIA


Well-Known Member
19 October 2015
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could the dampness of where you keep your tack be preventing it from drying out? just a thought :) will be following this thread with interest!


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23 December 2005
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Carr, Day and Martin do a leather balsam in a tin that is exceptionally conditioning and seems to be quite protective too. I put it on, leave overnight and tack looks dull, a soft cloth then polishes it up beautifully.

I'd also make sure your tack is on the cooler side of the kitchen, could it be drying too quickly in the warmth of the house?

Addicted to Hunting

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30 December 2009
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I keep my hunting tack in my kitchen as well, it's not that warm a kitchen and is away from the heat. This season I've been using a leather balsm (possibly Naff, label worn off) or horsemans one step. I'm quite bad and tend to let the mud dry off but then will get off all the mud and sweat woth warm soapy water. Then apply the soap and work it in well, will repeat if needed. I hunt quite a lot (2/3/4 times a fortnight full day) and allthough it hasn't been that wet with us would say it's standing up fairly well.
I wouldn't use oil on my tack, never really found it helped. Stubben saddle soap is prett good as well.