Tack shop? Input here please!


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27 June 2013
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I'm toying with the idea of a tack shop..nothing serious right now just doing my research!
If anyone has the time to answer these questions or put across any other constructive points, it would be much appreciated!

I'm mainly looking at Hertfordshire but all input is helpful to gauge the market.

What is it people are looking for within a tack shop, e.g brands and items

What discipline do you take part in- do you specifically want competition items within a shop or your basics for happy hacking

How many tack shops are in your local area that you are aware of, and what is it that makes you use a particular one of those?

Is there anything you wish was stocked that isn't and any services you wish were offered that simply aren't?

Thanks in advance people!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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An independent tack shop opened near us and I thought great. The reality wasn't as good as I hoped, lots of pink pony stuff and gimmicky items. I would like to see quality leatherwork and a facility for repairs to be done well and quickly. Rug repair and wash quickly, I ended up waiting for weeks for a bundle of rugs to be returned. Clipper blade sharpening is another service worth sourcing, as is doing the qualification to allow you to sell wormers.

If you think about it, people coming in for the basic services like I have mentioned about will almost always buy something else even if it is basic stuff like feed and shavings.

I suppose it is difficult to please everyone all the time and carrying a huge stock has its own cash flow implications. I think you would need to research the area and see what type of horse owner you have around you, be it the pink glitter brigade or the neatsfoot oll and hairnet brigade !


Well-Known Member
18 November 2010
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Our local tack shop has a second hand section where people can leave their goods to be sold. Each item has a price tag from the owner and the owners name. When they are sold the owner collects money and pays the shop a small amount.