Bit of a dark picture I'm afraid, but would you be tempted to pull this tail? She has an enormous backside and I wasn't sure if it would flatter her. We do mainly riding club stuff, dresage, a bit of showjumping & occasional ODE.
Mane looks lovely plaited but I am terrible at plaiting tails, and have to resort to lots and lots of hairspray!
Would you pull this tail? and does anyone have any experience of tail rakes?
ps I know it needs a damn good trim & all the Nedzbedz brushing out. She's a filthy b*gger in the stable.
Mane looks lovely plaited but I am terrible at plaiting tails, and have to resort to lots and lots of hairspray!
Would you pull this tail? and does anyone have any experience of tail rakes?
ps I know it needs a damn good trim & all the Nedzbedz brushing out. She's a filthy b*gger in the stable.