Taking a kitten at five weeks old


Well-Known Member
19 February 2006
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I know it's not a good idea. The person who bred my kitten wants me to take her home next week- Kit would be five weeks old. How much of a bad idea is it? Kitten is eating solid food and using the litter tray.

(The circumstances are slightly complicated- the lady is pregnant and due any time. She took mama kitty in without knowing she was having kittens.)

Please don't roast me- I don't want to bring her home until she's at least six weeks old. Just trying to get some solid reasons to give to the lady. :)


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5 April 2010
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I know it's not a good idea. The person who bred my kitten wants me to take her home next week- Kit would be five weeks old. How much of a bad idea is it? Kitten is eating solid food and using the litter tray.

(The circumstances are slightly complicated- the lady is pregnant and due any time. She took mama kitty in without knowing she was having kittens.)

Please don't roast me- I don't want to bring her home until she's at least six weeks old. Just trying to get some solid reasons to give to the lady. :)

That is very unfair of the lady who currently owns the kitten. To force you to take her too early, why don't you contact a charity like the CPL ask their advice, then you can go back to this lady with a reputable force behind you which recommends you wait a week or too.

I think, and don't let my foster kittens go till at least 8 weeks usually 9. Gives them time to be with mum and sibblings and have some fun being a kitten.

We do get some excuses why we have to take cats in asap.

We will drown cat if you don't take it.
I will take to vets to get them to PTS if you don't take it
Bf or GF says it must be gone asap
Don't want it anymore I want it gone

Just a selection of reasons.

Why she did not neuter cat in the first place knowing she would give birth at some time. Very irresponsible as an animal owner.

Some people will always make excuses so you collect the cat at their convenience not yours or the animals.

You will have to tread carefully in case things go sour, as I said contact the CPL.
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Well-Known Member
19 February 2006
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She didn't know the cat was pregnant until the kittens arrived, basically. Cat was a stray that had been living outside her house, so the lady took her in and a couple of weeks later- kittens.

I don't think I need to contact the CPL for this. Lady is willing to listen- I know taking kittens away too young is bad but I'm having trouble explaining why.


Well-Known Member
8 May 2011
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Could you possibly offer to have the mum cat and kittens with you for a few weeks so the lady doesn't need to worry about them when she has the baby. Then you can keep your kitten, the other kittens could go to their new homes at the proper time and the lady can have the mum cat back when the kittens are weaned. Would be the best start for the kittens and loads of fun for a few weeks!


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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Could you possibly offer to have the mum cat and kittens with you for a few weeks so the lady doesn't need to worry about them when she has the baby. Then you can keep your kitten, the other kittens could go to their new homes at the proper time and the lady can have the mum cat back when the kittens are weaned. Would be the best start for the kittens and loads of fun for a few weeks!

This seems a good idea; BUT with the stipulation/on the condition that the mummy cat will be spayed at the owner's expense when kitties are weaned. Also that you're given the option of keeping one of the kittens if you want to????


Well-Known Member
19 February 2006
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This seems a good idea; BUT with the stipulation/on the condition that the mummy cat will be spayed at the owner's expense when kitties are weaned. Also that you're given the option of keeping one of the kittens if you want to????

Mummy cat is already booked in for a spay. I'm already getting one kitten, and my sister is getting another so no worries there.

Please don't be too hard on the mama cat's owner- she is trying her best to do right by them all. :) All the kittens are happy and healthy, and mama cat is in wonderful condition. The owner is just in an awkward spot with her baby being due and having six little kits in the house at the same time.


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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Ooohhh!!! By golly, I dunno where you are in the country OP......... but this sounds like a lovely opportunity for someone. Does the (pregnant) lady want mummy-puss back after all the kitties are re-homed???? Bless her, she sounds like she's a real darling to take a cat in like that.

But..... you could check with the CPL that the cat doesn't actually belong to someone who's looking for it, as this often happens. If mummy-puss is microchipped then any vets or CPL can easily check for you.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2012
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At 5 weeks mum will still be nursing them and doing their bums plus they really need those early weeks with their siblings to develop cat skills. Yes you could take it but you'll be wiping its bottom after every meal to make it poo or wee for a little while yet..or maybe the 5 my rescue cat had we're slow developers. One of mine got badly constipated and ended up with a slightly prolapsed rectum at about 6 weeks old because mum couldn't keep up with 5 very active kittens running all over the place on her. Like the idea of taking mum until kittens are a bit older too.


Well-Known Member
19 February 2006
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All the kittens have homes. :)

Mama cat doesn't have a chip, and she's going to the lady's mum once the kittens are weaned.