Taking my old jumping pony hunting..advice needed!


Well-Known Member
11 August 2008
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I have my old JA jumping pony back at home after 9 years being out on loan (last few years unaffiliated).
He's now 21, fit, healthy and to be honest seems little different physically and mentally than the last time he was in my yard! I don't want him jumping any more (those legs have jumped enough fences!) but he loves a trip out/hacking and I want him to have a role in life...hunting would be ideal!

As far as I know he hasn't hunted before, but he is originally from Ireland so probably has. I took him to three meets last season, the first time he was brilliant (very excited) but on the second and third he started bucking and kicking. And not just a quick lift of the leg, literally planting his front legs and kicking both legs out at the horse next to him. He prefers people to horses anyway, but has never been a kicker/bucker. I had his back, teeth and saddle checked - all fine. So I presume just excitement.
Is there anything I can do to stop him doing this (it didn't go down well with the other followers!), I think he loved it and would be perfect for him this season to give him a bit of variety to hacking out 3/4 times a week.......

Any help/advice/thoughts appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
I took my old JA pony out a few times, and tbh she was fine. She was quite sharp but not mad, and just jogged a lot, I think was glad when we had a check as she could have a quick rest!
BTW she went out last time at 31 (12 weeks before she was PTS) with a 12yr old girl, she wouldnt stop and did about 4 times the distance everyone else did, next day she was a bit stiff with huge wingalls (silly old tart!).


Well-Known Member
29 February 2004
And make sure you have Third Party Liability insurance in case the worse happens, I'm not trying to be pessimistic but if he does lash out and hurt someone, the last thing you want is to be sued for loss of earnings etc.

It happened locally here, someone's horse broke a farmer's leg at the meet and he sued as he was unable to work for 8 weeks. She wasn't insured and had to face the huge bill.

The Countryside Alliance do a package which specifically insures you for legal hunting activity. Could be the best £36 you ever spend!

Good luck and let us know how you both get on.