Taking the p*ss or under the weather?


Well-Known Member
20 June 2009
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Since August my mare has been having tests for liver function. After an initial high result her levels were coming down nicely but the last test she had showed her liver enzymes going up again.
Throughout all this she has never shown any signs of being unwell (good coat, good feet, good appetite)
Last month she had a week of being in a bad mood but that seems to have settled now.
These last 2 days she has planted in the school and refused to go forward, doing mini bucks when pushed and stomping and pawing the ground (not seen her do this before).
She only planted at one end of the school which made me thing she was taking the mickey but I'm not certain - maybe she could be feeling under the weather.
I know many people will say "you know your horse best" but I'm not sure I do - the liver issues started a few months after I bought her so I'm not certain what 'normal' is for her.
I believe she has always been a sensible but willing horse, now she's fairly well mannered so will do what you ask without much of a fight - but doesn't seem keen.
Not sure what I'm asking - just not sure what to do.
She will be having a liver biopsy in the next few weeks so maybe the time off and whatever answers the biopsy brings will help.


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2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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Have you kept up with her work whilst all this has been going on? If you have, maybe shes needing a bit of a break to get over it, OR if you HAVE been resting her, she is reluctant to come back into work as she's had a bit of an easy time of it...


Well-Known Member
30 January 2011
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When my mare started planting in the school I was convinced it was pain in her hind legs as she was just coming back to work after surgery there. I had the vet out who pronounced her sound, checked her teeth which did need doing but not enough to explain anything, and told me the pony was horrendously unfit and I needed to get out of the school altogether and hack the horse fit before I tried to school again.
Then I had the physio out and although pony still planted when physio asked me to ride bareback, she said she thought it was my saddle. Turned out the saddle was pinching quite badly.
Incidentally, a lot of people around me told me my pony was taking the mick rather as I'd been sympathetic 'oh poor baby does it hurt' not 'you nappy so-and-so get on with it'. I think when your horse is known to have one condition it can be quite easy to think that any 'problem behaviour' is caused by that - I know that was the case for me - and it led to me being more blinkered and doing the normal sorts of checks rather later than I might otherwise have done as I was so convinced I knew what was wrong. I'm not saying this is the case with you - you are on here asking about it after all - but that was my experience.


Well-Known Member
20 June 2009
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Saddle was checked 2 months ago and adjusted accordingly. Had physio out 1 month ago who found a little tightness but nothing in particular that was wrong.
I've carried on as usual through the liver tests so schooling / hacking 4/5 times a week.
She was planting in the school so when I called it a day and went for a pootle round the field instead she found enough energy to gallop towards home! But then if you're feeling rough then I guess you'll do anything to get 'home'
As I say she will be having a liver biopsy later in the month so will get some time off then.
If she carries on seeming 'off' then I will just give her all of January off.
I was going to enter a dressage comp in a fortnights time - if she's not 'right' by Friday then that will be off and I'll start her holiday.