Talk to the Hand cos' the Face ain't Listening!


Well-Known Member
20 September 2006
That would be telling!
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I keep my boy on a small yard and wondered why is it you get owners who regardless go on doing there own thing much to the irritation of others-For example the muck is put into a container and will last 3 months with careful management if not controlled then we have to bag it up so that it can be lifted over into space left at the back-if we all fork up no problem-but said person will not do it and by me has been asked really nicely if she could do it-I'm now to the point that I'll take it to the YO which seems so petty-all this does is breed resentment!!! I wondered if other yards had this sort of problem-it seems a shame when this happens as I for one hate bad feeling!


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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I used to on a yard where people borrowed my barrow, brush etc. Barrow was regulary found full at muck heap, took ages to find yard brush and so on. I used to say I dont mind people borrowing but can they put it back PLEASE. Eventually got my own lockable small tackroom and had the greatest satisfation when they used to say 'cant find your barrow or brush, where is it?. Locked up.


Well-Known Member
22 February 2006
Berkshire, UK
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Ah yes the eternal problem of the muck heap. Its amazing how many people ALL say YES OF COURSE WE FORK IT BACK - so why then is there ALWAYS muck on the ramp into the trailer that I have to fork back???

But then there is the poo in the school - NOBODY's horse does a poo in the school - so where does it come from??

I guess this is just the nature of yards - I love ours but sometimes, just sometimes it can be REALLY annoying.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2006
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Yep! I find that irritating but on my old yard, they used to pinpoint me and i became "the girl who empties the wheelbarrows on the muck heap" and in between my own chores, i became a flipping larry for everyone when they couldnt be bothered to empty their own barrows so instead, i emptied them and put them back, rather than take them back to the people i emptied them for. But yes, i find myself always re-tidying the muck heap, and then getting a telling off for doing it, then getting told to do it later!!! I just can't win! But yes, the new yard is lovely but we're forever cleaning up after people who wander off to "pet the ponies"


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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Fortunately we don't have a muck heap at our yard. We have a ramp leading to a trailer. When the trailer is full the YO tows it away & dumps it in a nearby farmers field. In the autums the farmer uses the muck on his works for us!


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
It's a permanent problem I'm afraid.
We had a huge muckheap that we started by tipping into a valley next to the arena, after a few years the bottom turned to soil and it was then spread on top of the small paddock it was in raising the level of the ground.
As it grew it was around thriry feet long to the end where the liveries were supposed to tip their barrows off the end into space. Did they? Some did, you always got one idle devil who would actually tip on the track leading to the end so the whole system then failed. As no-one could get past more people would tip on the sides and the track would disappear.
Now we don't have liveries stabled here we have a muck heap and a track leading up to the far side, every six months I pay a farming contractor to remove the lot again into a valley which again rots into soil.
I would not allow this lazy so and so to get away with it or you will end up doing their share of forking too. Confront them and ask why they won't stick to the agreed practice. Most people are so embarrassed by this they never do it again.
of course you have to catch them in the act, preferably with a video camera for it to really work!