talking about neglect cases


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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There is a mare near us who seriously underweight (emaciated i would call it). I found out recently that the mare has had a recent visit from the ILPH who found that she is ok apart from the serios weight problem. They eventually got to speak to the owner who told the field office that she had got reported to the RSPCA for the same thing 2 years. Yes 2 years ago. So field officer told her to get the vet out and get blood tests done for ragwort poisoning, and change her feed.
So the problem is now, the weather has dropped cold, and its raining quite heavily. 2 girls stopped me yesterday to tell me this horse was stood shivering - no shelter, no rug and didnt look too well, and to see if i knew the owner. Well long and short of it they are going to report her again.
Why is it that someone who has been reported to both the RSPCA and the ILPH doesnt do anything about the state of their horse? She didnt have a clue about the feeding of it - it gets fed once a day WTF. ILPH officer went through the feeds that she should be giving her and she hadnt even heard of them. Bluechip - oh yes its from another planet, not Sheffield!


Well-Known Member
15 July 2003
London and Hertfordshire
Sadly the ILPH and the RSPCA's hands are tied due to the limitations of the current laws concerning animal welfare. Unless the animal is not getting access to water and is being ill treated it is difficult for them to get an order for the removal of the animal from the current owner.

I would report it again to the ILPH as clearly if it is that underweight it does need to bel looked at by a vet.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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i understand their hands are tied but what gets me is the audacity of this owner. Why does she not want to help this poor mare?
i have heard that the laws are supposed to be changing in the ILPH/RSPCAs favour, hopefully this will come in sooner rather than later.
the ILPH will be called first thing in the morning


Because she is an ignorant moron who should know better and should be banned from keeping horses for life, GGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!


Well-Known Member
13 August 2006
Central Scotland
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I know how you feel, you've probably read my post below this one. These people are my nearest neighbours in a very small community so I am going to be in deep doo doo when everyone finds out that I am getting the authorities involved, and yet so many people walk past these horses every day and noone ever does anything, why do people turn a blind eye. It makes me so mad and so sad, surely you don't have to be an expert horsewoman (person, sorry!) to know when an animal is clearly suffering. Grrrrr. Good luck, I hope you get the result you are looking for. You can always do what I did and just ask if they need any help and say how mcuh you would enjoy helping them (extremly over enthusiastically so you sound a bit nuts and they somehow feel a bit sorry for you!!!!).

best of luck, keep us informed!


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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totally agree with you. why do so many people see these horses, complain and then dont do anything to the people who can actually try and help. they are all happily passing on the bullet for someone else to fire.
i hope the ILPH can sort something out with this owner.
sorry cant talk to the owner i dont know who she is - ive only seen her once and to put it politely she doesnt look the friendliest of people - maybe she is.
Other thing is i dont have time to help someone out with their horse when they obviously cant be bothered themselves. I have enough on with 2 horses, 3 ponies and 1 foal. not to mention 2 of the 3 ponies are laminitics!!!
yes will keep everyone informed.
hope you get on well with your little problem.