Taunton Vale Taem Chase - reassurance needed!


Well-Known Member
16 February 2008
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OK - I am officially outing myself as the nervous mother.

Daughter is just 12,on 13.2 pony. Just got my head round them jumping close to 3' SJ and the odd xc schooling session. This is following the tension of letting her hunt alll day every day when she canie every sat at least (until this yr, hunting was all that mattered to her and she is very competent and brave and with a scopey pony who jump pretty much what they come across safely).

But now she seems to be team chasing with the "hunting girls". All under 16 but the other 3 are blessed with brave and knowledgble parents.....

I make very sure I do not pass on MY nerves to her, but is this totally irresposible or is it actually quite fun and safe? I feel constantly sick, praying for it to be canclled while daughter and pony get ever more excited and prepared.

Sooo.....how scary is the TVH fun class???

Thank you from a v scared mum!!


Well-Known Member
2 April 2002
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Well it's certainly fun and I would suggest that you try to celebrate the fact that your daughter is doing something that she clearly really loves that will teach her many useful life skills, such as learning how to assess risks, taking responsibility and working with others to achieve a common goal.

Yes there is a risk attached, but at that age they can take a lot of rough and tumble, so try not to worry. Do what you can to help minimise the risks - make her wear the right protective gear, ensure tack is safe, keep her hair tucked away in a hairnet, etc - and just try to enjoy it with her.