Temporary stable - would you?

Paint Me Proud

Well-Known Member
13 October 2010
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Been to look at another yard today as purse strings are tightening and might need to move to cheaper yard.

They yard i went to is cheaper but currently full.

However, the YO/YM has offered me a temporary stable in the hay shed. It would consist of heavy duty steel cow pen fencing against a wall in the big hay shed.

There is already two other temporary pens there.

I could move into a stable when one became available.

I am not sure, what do you think?


Well-Known Member
4 April 2009
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I would providing it's cladded so no feet can get caught anywhere :) Though that said....my horse currently is in a temporary with 3 walls and just a shoulder high rope across the front section clipped side to side lol!

brown tack

Well-Known Member
24 February 2011
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Are the other two in front of cue in getting a stable, if so you could be in for a long wait.

It will fine as long as a) it's safe ie a horse couldn't get it's foot caught between the runs and the "Walls" are strong enough to hold should a horse want to rub on them ie not fall over
B) there is enough grazing for an extra.
C) the horses get on ok over the partitions if not full height, don't want an upset horse all the time because his neighbour bullies him over the partition.

Paint Me Proud

Well-Known Member
13 October 2010
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i would want to cover the fences in tarp or something to prevent legs getting through.

I would also want to ask to have his 'pen' set slightly away from neighbor so they couldnt reach as I would expect my boy to be the one doing the bullying!!

Grazing is okay.

I will have to think it all over.....


Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
Planet Blonde...
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I would probably be happy with that as long as the floor was concrete rather than dirt. I did this once as I wanted to move - I moved into a not-so-nice stable in a different barn with a small discount until a different stable on the main yard was available, it worked well for me.