Thank the lord for Marmite.


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10 December 2008
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My boy is on bute at the moment for a (hopefully) minor problem. He's not great at taking bute in his feed so I have resorted to the never-fails-with-any-horse-method of Marmite sandwiches. Thought I'd share it with you in case anyone else is struggling.

If you're struggling to get your horse to eat, you can also make a sort of Marmite tea by diluting two teaspoons in about 50-75ml of hot water and stir until it it all dissolves. Then pour it over the feed. I've never met a horse who can resisit Marmite. The thing about people either loving or hating it definitely doesn't apply to horses - they all seem to love it. We had one old mare on our yard who was refusing to eat. Her owner had tried everything and she has been given two days to start eating. Marmite tea on her feed did the trick and she's now got her full appetite back and is enjoying the sun in her quiet little retirement paddock with her other old friend who would have been lost without her, so Marmite probably saved the two of them!

It's great at keeping flies away as well as the smell eminates from the horse if they eat it regularly, like garlic.


27 May 2009
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I am so glad someone else has said that, my old boys name was Marmite and we used to use it in with his feed wen he was bute, it was the ONLY way we could get him to take it.

People just thought i was mad and only feeding it because thats what his name was.

Thank you for puting a smile on my face today


Well-Known Member
22 May 2006
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Yep marmite is brilliant, currently feeding the tea to my section A, who every year scratches her self bald - but since having marmite no bald patches or constant scratching!!


15 April 2008
South Bucks
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Wow. Never heard of using Marmite before, but will lodge that idea - as it does make a lot of sense and you never know when it might come in useful!

Me, I am well and truly a marmite lover. Always have been.

Did you know that last year Marmite ran a special edition Valentines Day Marmite as well - which had champagne in it? So of course I had to have some of that as well! But I think if they repeat that limited edition again, I'll be keeping the champers version purely for myself. The horses can have the normal variety!


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10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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I've never met a horse who can resisit Marmite. The thing about people either loving or hating it definitely doesn't apply to horses - they all seem to love it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I love the stuff, normally have it on a slice of toast most mornings. However, I once gave Miss Delia my very snooty TB a bite of my sarnie - she definately came into the hate it camp. She stuck her tongue out and made the most disgusted faces for about 15 mins afterwards and and refused anything from me for about a month from my hand.

It is said to help with midges, though I feed brewers yeast as it is cheaper as I get it in a 25k sack which does my big hairies for a year.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Unless you're going to spread it on bread, in which case you need to spread it quite thickly as it doesn't spread very easily without butter, I'd always make the tea as it's too sticky and difficult to deal with otherwise. I make a whole lot and put it in an old coke bottle, it keeps forever. If you have the squeezy jar I suppose you could just squirt a bit in but it doesn't mix in very well, it just stays in one lump.