Thankyou thankyou thankyou..


Well-Known Member
22 October 2003
Greater Manchester
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To all of you who replied to my last post about me throwing the towel in with William after losing Jess.
I had my lesson and to cut a long story short, i am going to continue with Will and keep having lessons.
My instructor was brill, and as she has not long since lost her own horse, she didn't push me in any shape or form.
Basiclly (sp) within 15 mins i had brakes and steering and she told me i was " speaking English to a Welshman" we worked on language with him and he responded happily!!
I have a long way to go but she thinks once we click we will be good together.
She wisely told me to not compare him with Jess, which i do do, and tolook at everything he throws at me as a positive, as he's not dangerous at all, just confused.
thankyou for telling me not to cancel my lesson, i now feel like there is light at the end of the very dark tunnel!
hugs and kisses to you all, i'm so glad this forum exists.
Jo xxxxxxx


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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What's EPSM? There are rather too many abbreviations for me! Read all about Jess and my heart goes out to you. It's so different when they are ready to go. I have one who certainly isn't but has the sword of Damocles hanging over her, so I may have to call it a day for her at some point - but at least I'm aware. I'm talking bravely just now, but I am mostly a wreck over it. The three we have left are of absolutely no consolation at all, although I love them to bits. I like my family as it is and don't cope with loss or change. Isn't William missing her too? Might this have affected him? All mine are happy and well behaved until someone goes missing or out to the field in the wrong order and then it's chaos. Perhaps he's as upset as you are and your grief will probably be affecting him deeply. Don't be too hard on his failings and give yourself plenty of time to let go of Jess. Poor lad, he won't understand any of this. Do what's best for him ultimately, but don't rush into any hasty descision you may regret later on. Good luck and kindest regards.