The bad, the bad again...oh and a little bit of good news!


Well-Known Member
30 July 2003
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Well after Chance downing tools on me in the SJ at Eland last wed, I decided to get his back checked AGAIN. Someone from here sent me the number of a girl who did mc timminey (sp), equine sports massage, stress point work and equissage. I'm so glad I did. She was absolutely brilliant, I didn't have to tell her anything about how Chance went but she correctly told me a lot of things about his schooling probs etc.

He was very sore in his back esp on the left. He also had spasm in the muscles at the atlas and pelvis so he was perminantly holding himself in right flexion
. Luckily due to it all being quite recent (he only had the physio a couple of months ago) it wasn't too hard to sort out.
I suspect its my new jumping saddle, although it fits him I have never felt as secure as expected in it and I think that I'm being thrown about on it a bit and generally making him sore - so am in major creep mode to H now as it seems I need a different one

She also noted that the muscles over his shoulders were also very, very stiff and sore - which explains the getting close and 'up and down' jumping on wed
She said that this summer she has seen quite a lot of horses like this in their shoulders and thinks its because the ground has been so hard.
He looked so much more free and happier after his treatment so I'm really pleased

She is coming back in 2 weeks and as I can't get the saddle fitter to come until 4th Sep I've decided to keep him off work to let everything sort out.
Then the farrier came today, I told him about what happened at Eland and when he took off Chance's shoes he found slight bruising on both fronts. So again another reason has been found.
Oh and the good........for once my farrier said that his feet were def improving and growing really well (he has really rubbishy tb feet). He even asked what I had changed his feed to so that he could let other clients know.


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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What a bitter disappointment about the new jumping saddle - doesn't sound as though either you or Chance are too thrilled with it!

Is OH horsey minded? Going to be hard to explain why you need to change a brand-new saddle that superficially appears to fit if he isn't!


Well-Known Member
27 October 2005
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Really pleased that everything is out in the open and that it has been sorted. I hope everything goes ok and you are both back on track soon.