The bleddy cheek of some people!

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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Sorry, small rant coming :eek: ....

... I haven't paid for and looked after my horses so that someone I'm not related to and not close friends with, can come and ride them for free! Gah! :mad: They are my horses, I look after them, I pay for them, I tend their wounds and when my filly is backed I will be the one that rides her!

Equilibrium Ireland

Well-Known Member
12 July 2010
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Why so angry as it doesn't seemed to have happened. And just tell them what you told us. If they don't understand well then tell them to bugger off!



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14 January 2009
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Sorry, small rant coming :eek: ....

... I haven't paid for and looked after my horses so that someone I'm not related to and not close friends with, can come and ride them for free! Gah! :mad: They are my horses, I look after them, I pay for them, I tend their wounds and when my filly is backed I will be the one that rides her!

I have the same problem... people are often offended when i tell them they're too big or heavy for my 12hh pony because i ride her... but i am her only rider, and my filly i'm the only person who handles her and i will also be the only person to ride her when she's backed...

I feel your pain...

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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Why so angry as it doesn't seemed to have happened. And just tell them what you told us. If they don't understand well then tell them to bugger off!


I just get so fed up of saying 'no'.

If I had sports cars instead of horses, would every person that I vaguely knew expect me to let them and their children take the cars for a spin and be taken aback/affronted when I said 'no'?

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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Well why are they riding her? It's YOUR horse. Tell them to beat it of you're not happy.

No-one is riding her, she isn't backed yet. This doesn't seem to stop people from thinking that they are going to be her rider once she is backed, even though I have never offered the ride to them.

Mare Stare

Well-Known Member
9 April 2011
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I feel your pain!

We keep the pony in a field next to a council estate. Every time my daughter rides him we get surrounded by kids all asking if they can ride. The swarm round us like ants - kids on bikes, with dogs, with mobile phones playing annoying tinny tunes.

Good thing is that they have unknowingly bomb-proofed our pony!!!

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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I feel your pain!

We keep the pony in a field next to a council estate. Every time my daughter rides him we get surrounded by kids all asking if they can ride. The swarm round us like ants - kids on bikes, with dogs, with mobile phones playing annoying tinny tunes.

Good thing is that they have unknowingly bomb-proofed our pony!!!

Have you found that some parents can be quite threatening in their tone and almost ordering you to let their darling have a ride?

Mare Stare

Well-Known Member
9 April 2011
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Have you found that some parents can be quite threatening in their tone and almost ordering you to let their darling have a ride?

Not yet. I just tell them that the pony is in training and bucks strangers off. That tends to put them off a bit!


Well-Known Member
14 January 2009
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Well she's 4 this year so either this summer or next year, i'm in no rush to be honest and shes always been slow to mature. She's done everything bar have a rider on her back and nothing has phased her yet. Am really looking forward to it, as I'm hoping she turns out like my girl as she has the same temperament and habits. I've schooled her in the same way so fingers crossed... How about you?


Well-Known Member
14 January 2009
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Why do they think they should be riding her when she's broken? Do they not realise she's your horse? :p

Well if Faracat has the same problem as me, others see you have more then one horse/pony they believe it is their right to "help" you out by "exercising" them for you. I allowed a friend to ride my boy the other week and she already planning which shows shes taking him too and what work he's going to do from now on, including telling people he's hers.... I just let her talk, but it does get frustrating. Some people dont realise the time, effort, Love and money it takes to care for these animals. I must admit it did make me laugh when she did come to ride that one time she went to catching him and he legged it to the other side of the field.... lol then came cantering over when i called him... :D:eek:

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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Why do they think they should be riding her when she's broken? Do they not realise she's your horse? :p

Because some people are cheeky sods and have a 'what's yours is mine' kind of attitude? :rolleyes: :p Or they are doing me a favour and I don't realise it. :eek:

Well she's 4 this year so either this summer or next year, i'm in no rush to be honest and shes always been slow to mature. She's done everything bar have a rider on her back and nothing has phased her yet. Am really looking forward to it, as I'm hoping she turns out like my girl as she has the same temperament and habits. I've schooled her in the same way so fingers crossed... How about you?

Yes, the same age, she'll be 4 in april. I'm in no rush but my plan was to back her in the summer and then I could give her the winter off if I decide to. It's a flexable plan.

ETA, Suffolkangel you are correct.

I've also had total strangers ask if their niece/daughter can ride my horse. Once was a random lady on the phone, I've also been flagged down by someone when I was riding and also practically threatened by the Dad when I said 'no' to letting his three boys have a ride..
Last edited:

Equilibrium Ireland

Well-Known Member
12 July 2010
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Faracat, do like I do and give the real sarcastic " yeah ok ". The kind that comes with laughter. Or I say things like, " well I'm a crap rider so don't need your brilliance screwing things up.

But whatever you do, don't give them a reason to get you riled up!



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7 March 2011
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I find the easiest and non offensive way to get rid of "helpful" riders is just to say they would be uninsured and you cannot take the risk.