The 'how can I get my rider off' game!


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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So some people may think this pony is dangerous, but I just had to laugh yesterday. A bit self indulgent really..
Was riding my pony of 7yrs, D up the field. We have a big hill, triangle shaped with a flat along the bottom, short steep side and long less steep side.
So I, preparing for a 2'3 class tomorrow, went for a trot up the hill, preparing to gallop on the next go.
Oh no, as we went down the short steep bit (very steep!) there was suddenly a huge squeal, buck, dropped shoulder and off D went at full pelt down the slope towards home and the gate.

I was quite lucky, stayed on and slowed him up by the time we hit flat ground.
Then we 'discussed' the bucking and continued on for about another ten minutes, which involved another 'rider drop' tactic before he was behaving ( with the reins tight and my bottom glued in the saddle)

And do you know, it was the most fun I've had riding in ages!
I've just brought him in from the field recently, and am looking orwards amazingly much(not sure if those are the right words..) to riding him in the 2'3 tomorrow, mainly because I know if I can get him going, he'll jump everything (in between bucking, nappin etc) and I will enjoy myself because..well, I dont know? I suppose the fences are tiny and we just gallop round without much of a care rather than the pre-novice I normally do which can sometimes be intimidating enough!
Anybody else find they have a sort of 'safety blanket' horse/pony?
I know dusty could have me off, and would probably dump me and run, but he is intelligent and getting braver (slowly!) so yeah...


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
Yep I have my lovely mare Touchy who is the most talented, lazy, neurotic but safe horse ever. She loves going up the gallops with me or my mum with her head between her knees squealing, and all we can do is laugh at her. but at the same time any of my friends horsey or not can come and ride out because she is safe and reliable with novices and kids. I think she just likes to be defiant with me after all the time I spent schooling and making her be obedient as a youngster!! No matter how bad it gets, Touchy always cheers me up!
Those are her orange ears in the sig piccy below.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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He he, I love it when my Welsh D misbehaves. He lets of one of those excited squeals before throwing in a few broncs. I know its a bit naughty, but his broncs are so useless! He's so comfy that they dont bother me and the fact he tries SO hard to make such big broncs is simply hilarious! This is exactly what makes me adore this dude!

However, my TB decided to bolt yesterday
BUT I was SOOOOO pleased with him! I know, your wondering "she's pleased that he bolted?!"; well this horse has occassionally bolted with me (yes, down the road and once through a barbed wire fence. A few times he's bolted then bronc'd till I fell off as he can be cold backed....), anyway whenever he bolts then that is it - he is nuts. He will not stop until either he hits something or I fall off. But he spooked at something and bolted half way down the field then suddenly calmed down. It was the weirdest thing! It was so quick I didnt have a chance to get panicked which I think was the key!! He actually handled his panic and calmed down! I was SOOO proud of him!


Well-Known Member
18 November 2005
Visit site took the words right out of my must be a Welsh D thing because they all seem the same...character I think they call it!!! LOL!
My Welsh D does not purposefully try to get you off but is quite capable of 180 degree turns from walk, trot or canter and will quite happily bronc for a laugh! He is also very good at seeing something (like a branch out of place in a hedge) and as he walks past it and takes offence to it he will leap into the air and buck at it so you sort of get humped into the air like riding a camel!!! But I know all his quirks now so usually call him a twit and laugh...once I have re gained my composure and made sure I am still on!!!


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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My welshie was a total cow, she'd buck and spook on a whim - and used to rear before she settled - but she never got me off!!

I love the welshie attitude - they live to have fun - they're not paranoid and neurotic like TBs, and they're not slow and steady like cobs - they're just FUN!

Love my welshies