Well-Known Member
I'm looking for an eventer, 17hh or up (I'm 9 1/2 stone), have been enjoying XC so much as well as sj and dressage that I decided my next horse would be an established (10 yr or roundabout). I've got a friend Robert Smith who is has been so kind to help me find the perfect horse; he was my trainer so knows how I ride. Looking to progress through intermediate. He is positive we will find something in the next 2-3 weeks but he mentioned that the prices of UK and European horses have skyrocketed since there are so few ISH making their way over....seems such a shame,and it's all wrapped up in politics. Some horses I looked at expecting to be £15,000 were £25000 ovno. Fingers crossed I will find 'the one' and if anyone knows a brave, scopey 17hh WB or ISH or similar, I will pay a finders fee of £1000! I don't want to miss this summer riding as I am working part time for home, then come autumn some serious training! 5 * professional yard awaits. Unless Robert gets in first!! How are other people on the market faring finding a suitable horse? xx