Numbers of people taking up hunting has increased.
Numbers of foxes being killed by hunts has remained the same.
Numbers of foxes killed by other means has increased.
Number of foxhound packs has increased.
Numbers supporting hunting has increased.
Support for LACS has decreased.
Animal welfare has decreased.
Well done the soap dodging bigots. I bet you are glad that you campaigned so hard and wasted so much money to get your 'ban'.
They do say all publicity is good publicity. No doubt when the facts about what hunting is actually about, and how it contributes to country life, became known, more people wanted to preserve it than to see it destroyed. How ironic if this ban turned out to be a good thing. Anything that prevents more guns, poison and snares being used cannot be bad.
You seem to have forgotten to mention the articles about the hunts who are openly declaring that they are acting as criminals. Just an oversight on your part Mr Fagass or the usual selective reporting?