The Power of this Forum!


Well-Known Member
22 July 2007
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I posted a week or so ago because since I have temporarily moved Jerry to his summer grazing, he has been very attached to his companion and I've had real difficulty getting him out the field and leaving her in the field.
I hadn't dared to hack him out alone as he made so much fuss!

BUT then, having read lots of encouraging posts about perservering and having the time and patience to overcome his confidence issue - I was inspired by this forum to get him out on his own or we would be relying on other people to hack with all summer.
Thanks to all the helpful posts I have actually done it!

Today we went out for the third time without any other company and Jerry was a real star! He only whinnyed twice as we walked down the lane but then settled down and we had a super hack, cantering along lovely bridleways. We were out for nearly 2 hours and he didn't put a foot wrong.
Hooray - we both have our confidence back!!


Well-Known Member
22 July 2007
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Thankies! I just feel so pleased with us both! The thing is, Jerry is not a naughty horse, he genuinely didn't want to leave his companion and she made it worse by whinnying at the top of her voice everytime I took him out the field.
Today - she was still whinnying but Jerry did his best to ignore her!
My heart sank though about half a mile from the field, a horse came towards us along the lane, obviously heading back in the direction of Jerry's field. I felt Jerry desperately wanted to spin round and follow that horse back in the direction we had come from, but he didn't!!
It never ceases to amaze me what horses will do for us