Well-Known Member
"Oh, come on: didn't you just know, the minute you heard our friends back at Today announce their wheeze to find the law "we the people" most want repealed, that it would be bloody fox hunting? Fair enough to the pro-hunters, if they enjoy their little game at our expense. What is not fair, however, is for anybody to suggest that an organised few hundred in a nation of 60 million provide any clue to the views of we-the-people; they are, in the scheme of things, as mathematically irrational as they are statistically meaningless and, as with all such sampling, should never be sold to us in the guise of fact or news.
The pity is that these shrill tongues are given credence at a time when we have available to us a more exact science of proper polling than ever before. And if democracy and egalitarianism are as desirable as we hold them to be, we also have ample opportunity to change channels, switch newspapers and amend votes come election day. To which end, the better to inform those decisions, the voice of the people might be well advised to hush its mouth in favour of some altogether more useful opening of eyes and ears."
Carol Sarler, Sunday Telegraph
7 January 2007
The pity is that these shrill tongues are given credence at a time when we have available to us a more exact science of proper polling than ever before. And if democracy and egalitarianism are as desirable as we hold them to be, we also have ample opportunity to change channels, switch newspapers and amend votes come election day. To which end, the better to inform those decisions, the voice of the people might be well advised to hush its mouth in favour of some altogether more useful opening of eyes and ears."
Carol Sarler, Sunday Telegraph
7 January 2007