"The Woman Who E-mails to Horses"


Well-Known Member
10 April 2006
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This cracks me up everytime I see it ( apologies to anyone who's already seen it)

The Woman Who E-mails to Horses

Riding high on the success of such books as "You're My Mare Not My Mother" and "Denial Ain't What Keeps the Horseshoe On," Pamela Wilsby-Higgins is holding clinics across the country to promote her latest book and infomercials "From A Whisper To A Scream: When Your Horse Can't Hear You". The plucky blonde, so progressive in her methods of equine communication, she's called "The Woman Who E-Mails
to Horses," is the first woman to receive national attention in the growing field of touchy-feely horse training. Although successful, Pamela has been criticized for her unorthodox techniques and is the first to admit she's not a traditional horse trainer. "Training is such a worn out concept, even the word 'train' is archaic, it comes from the Old French 'trahiner', to drag. And that's just what training is, a BIG DRAG!
"What I'm interest in is communicating with problem horses, letting them know they're not alone. Since I too have issues with trust and a history of abusive and dysfunctional relationships, I understand what they're going through. I can also relate to frustrated riders.
As I wrote in "You're My Mare Not My Mother,' at one point a guilt-tripping gelding shamed me into believing if I were a prettier, thinner, smarter person I wouldn't be having riding problems. My goal is to facility people away form the 'Self-Centered' riding made popular in the 1980's to a more 'Co-Dependent' riding where the horse and rider work closely to deepen their relationship and become enmeshed in the riding experience."
In defense of reports that her clinics are among the most expensive in this new industry, Pamela is unapologetic. "You get what you pay for. Horses are individuals and it takes time to discover what form of communication works best for them. Whispering to horses is fine but some respond better to murmuring or babbling, while still others prefer mime or slide shows. I have found when working with a herd, semaphore is the most effective".
Pamela further points out that not all bad horse behavior is the result of a negative breaking experience. "Horses are very sensitive and can have a variety of problems, both emotional and paranormal.
They can suffer from depression, low self-esteem, eating disorders, even repressed memories. Most people are unaware of the large number of horses who are survivors of alien abduction. I have found that repressed memories of such abductions are the primary cause of trailering difficulties. There are also horses unfairly labeled 'spooky', when their behavior is actually an appropriate response to poltergeist activity."
Pamela's Symposiums cover a wide range of topics, such as:
Re-imprinting the Inner Foal, Obsessive/Compulsive Dressage,Gymkhanta? Andalusions of Grandeur, Bi-Polar Bending, A.D.D. in Arabians, Farm of Flying Lead Changes, and Feeling Suicidal?-Consider Eventing. When not on tour, Pamela offers weekend retreats at Passing Wind, her Malibu, CA ranch, that focus on specific breeds and riding disciplines. She will also customize sessions to meet a client's particular need and budget. "Once we even re-birthed a Tennessee
Walker to help her face her "Water Issues" It was exhilarating and only 3 or 4 people were injured." Pamela was unable to comment further on this event as the matter is still in litigation. Pamela began developing her techniques under the tutelage of GoWaanPoOlmiFynGer, the charismatic shaman of the Diamond-Phillips tribe and author of the book, 'Horse, Buck Hard'
"The whole monosymbolism of Horse Buck Hard overwhelmed me with itsZen. I knew instantly I had to study with him. He introduced Pamela to his tribe's ancient practices of Equine-Aromotheraphy, Prance-Channeling, Stall Feng Shui, Public Relations and marketing. "GoWaan taught me so much. Not only did I learn how frequently riders with dysfunctional personal lives project unresolved and emotional issues
onto their horses, but the outrageous amount of money they are willing to pay to be told it isn't their fault." Pamela went on to be come GaWaan's assistant when he toured to promote his calendar and videos, Buckskin, Beads and Beefcake. "It was a great gig", she reflects, "But I knew it wouldn't last, when I noticed most of the women attending his sold-out clinics didn't have horses."
She next traveled to the Australian outback where she studied withacclaimed Snowy River Kanguru Bruce Fosters, whose masterwork, "The Principles of Bonding From Brumbies to The Boardroom" has become an integral part of the executive training programs of many multinational corporations. "Bruce is an incredible visionary. He
was the first person to theorize that a rearing horse is just asking for a hug!"
Since starting her own clinics, Pamela has emphasized the differencesbetween her methods and those of her contemporaries, but she does admit to performing the crowd pleasing, ubiquitous get-an-unstarted-horse-to-accept-a-saddle, bit, bridle and rider-without-breaking-its-spirit-in-under-an-hour demonstration. "Of course, since I'm using the techniques I've developed, my version is different from what people have come to expect after seeing other clinicians. For example, I find using a pyramid-shaped pen, instead
of a round pen, brings more energy to the session. I also use
indirect lighting, scented candles and soft music. I start by having a few glasses of wine with the horse, then begin to recount my earliest childhood memories of separation and abandonment, while lunging the horse at a trot. After several minutes of this, usually at the point in my litany of victimization where by abusive second husband leaves me for my farrier, the horse will begin to go through a visible change. While still at a trot, it will start shaking its head an trying to cover its ears. This is the moment I call "The Throw Up".
The Throw Up is the point a horse reaches when it can't stand
listening to my problems any more and will do anything to get me to stop,including being saddled, bridled and ridden for the first time.
People think its magic when they see how willing the horse becomes once I shut up and start saddling but there's nothing mysterious about it. I just have a very annoying voice and more issues than
T.V. Guide.
Future goals for Pamela include developing a webs tie, and 900 number. "I envision a network where for only 99 cents per minute, riders can speak to their own Psychic Tele-Trainer, that I've personally educated. I also plan to explore the financial aspects of communication with other animal species. I'm willing to discourse with dogs or chat with cats. I'll even vocalize with vermin if there's money.


Well-Known Member
10 October 2005
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That is absolutely brilliant!
Thanks for posting it


Well-Known Member
31 March 2004
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You could fertalize the sahara with this amount of bull***t and still have enough left for your tomatoes!!!! Do you think there really is someone who falls for this? Mairi.


Well-Known Member
9 June 2005
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I got as far as the comments about alien abductions then lost the will to live......

[/ QUOTE ]

You got further than me then!! This CANNOT be for real - can it?