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Did anyone watch The bbc1 drama the young James Herriot? Didnt think it was very good myself. Anyone else see it?
Did anyone watch The bbc1 drama the young James Herriot? Didnt think it was very good myself. Anyone else see it?
I watched it too and didn't think much of it. I was also screaming *azoturia* as soon the horse's owner mentioned it having Sundays off
Another one here!!
I thought the programme was very disappointing indeed; especially in comparison with the original TV series which was far better.
This was heavy frankly; and downright boring. Where was the humour, the wit, the action, the quirkiness, and sometimes the tragedies/pathos; of the TV series?
There was no actual "story" and it was very badly written IMO.
And why oh WHY was the whole thing shot in that awful bland, dark, grey sort of monochrome "colour".
Awful! I shan't be watching it again.
Yes I was very disapointed in it, very dull and boring. not much storyline. I wont be watching the rest of it.
I think its meant to be "edgy", a bit like baking a Victoria Sponge and asking people to make it more Victorian, and less Spongy.The programme didn't have the warmth of the original series,and the acting nowhere near as good.
The trailer was good, but it was all downhill after that, what is the idea, to drag the veterinary profession in to some sort of intellectual morass, like the idiot vet [Paddy] in Emmerdale.
Prime time slot: it should be pulled.
No one who knows anything about horses will watch it, and anyone who knew Wilf White will be outraged, and fuming [ he vetted a horse for me in the 1970's]
Veterinary accuracy: one point for those green books, which had all sorts including vivid illustrations of glanders and farcy ....
Period accuracy: one point for drab Glasgow streets and clothing, how the wardrobe people must have smiled, just a bit too obvious.
Romantic interest: nil
General impression : what is this about?
Writing: the books were already written, what has happened to them, are they being remaindered as we speak?