theft of tack. watford area.


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27 August 2009
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Our livery yard near Watford had saddles and bridles stolen on 27/08/09. They took my f/s Keiffer black bridle with drop noseband and martingale, a brown cob snaffle bridle(postcoded), an EDI gp wide brown saddle and a Thorowgood black saddle plus of course the girths, stirrups, bits, numnahs etc. Please be on the look out, vehicle used RED MITSUBISHI SHOGUN.


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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We are about 20 minutes from you and had our tack room broken into about 2 months ago - there was also a break in at a local RS so I think has been a lot of problems in the area recently. They did not take our bridles though and left some of the synthetic saddles.

I don't know how good your security was but ours was good and have people living on site plus dogs and heard nothing. We have now upped our security.

The police think our stuff went to Ireland as apparently there is a big demand for 2nd hand tack there.


New User
27 August 2009
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Sorry about your tack. Yes there does appear to be a lot going on at the moment. Apparently a lot of stolen tack now goes somewhere in the Heathrow area as well as Ireland.
I just feel so angry because i know i will probably never see any of it again, strange how you can become attached to your stuff.
Thankyou for your interest.