

Well-Known Member
14 February 2006
South East
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I was just wondering as there has been alot of posts about hattred theives lately.
Do you think Forums such as this one could help to contribute to theft?
Just wondering but we do post alot about our animals, equestrian wear and travel source for them.
I know there are no personal info on them i.e. address or tele number but there are an area on most and who knows how they go about starting there search for what they want. It is possible that there are some theifs on here trying to wangle info off of us to do such nasty deeds??
Do you think it would be feasible to do some sort of checks on people before they could register on a forum or is that just being over the top and turning us into a nanny state?
All this dishonesty going on makes me very synical and very worried so sorry if this seems a stupid post!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2006
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I dare say you could be right who knows who lurks in here but tbh stuff like this will always happen the yard im at now was totally done over a few years back every piece of liveries tack gone.


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
I don't think it's a stupid post at all but what you suggest would be very hard to check on and no doubt there wouldn't be the people to man it.

I think as long as everyone is careful what they divulge on here, then there isn't a lot else anyone can do but you do get the element (not just on here but in real life too) that just HAVE to tell you how much they paid for this rug, that saddle, horse or even horsebox; braggers are world wide!
; they're not exactly helping themselves are they? There's also the case of saying when you are away on holiday; perhaps it would be better to say you have been if you are going to distrust everyone cos you can't pick and choose who you tell on an open forum can you?.

Thieves are about everywhere and they tend to check where/what/when before jobs so they know where and how to get away; difficult to do unless you actually know who (as an instance, apologies if there is a 'Sodall' on here!) Sodall is and where they live/keep their horses; it really would be a random thing I think.

I'm a great believer in conspiracies, read far too many thrillers
but it all boils down to being careful with what you say on open forum I'm afraid.


Well-Known Member
14 February 2006
South East
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mmmm, just gets me thinking. We had a burglary at home once, and the police said they were stealing my mums Merc to order, they would apparently of been watching us for about two weeks to see what we did on certain nights and our general routine... its horrid, they probably atched me cleaning my car in a bikini top! we woke and caught them doing it but couldnt stop them... its the worst thing in the world. I am sometimes rubbish with what i say because i trust everyone, so many people asked me at the weekend how much my trailer cost as it was unusual... i had no suspicions and just told them out right. Didnt occur to me until today that some of them might of been eyeing it up!
Scares me how dishonest this world has become!