I am really hoping to be able to take my 5 year old ISH out during some Autumn meets this year. I have always wanted to hunt, since I was about 5 and saw my first ever Master in a red coat! Now....I have about average confidence, but I wouldn't choose to jump anything this season. Quite happy for the pace to be brisk. My boy has hunted a season in Ireland (or so I was told), but he hasn't had a lot of schooling, likes to take off pretty darn fast in canter and doesn't stand still particularly well (though he's getting better all the time). We've not hacked out in a big group, mostly 2s and 3s. He will sometimes bronk as we set off to canter but not nasty with it. Brakes are quite good but because I love going fast almost more than he does he haven't really worked on controlled, collected cantering! He travels ok but would need some walking and time to settle before a meet I think. We've not done any pleasure rides or anything because of this cantering business. I was just wondering if there was a check list of sorts to consider before going hunting for the first time. Rider should be able to: 1) -have control in all paces 2 ) not be a nervous Nellie. Horse should: 1) be able to stand quietly 2) travel reasonably well etc etc.... ????