those of you that have had/known horses with atypical myopathy.


Well-Known Member
27 March 2006
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Please can you say what the symptoms were?
Did your horse have a temperature?
Was the urine dark red?
Were the muscle enzymes up?
Were the liver and kidney enzymes up?

My reason for asking is that last month we lost three to something that looked like AM however they didn't show massive raised muscle enzymes.
The other symptoms were typical am- colic like, sweating, stiffness and the inability to breath. Came on rapidly and was really distressing.
One Was kept alive for 48hrs on a glucose drip but as soon as it Was off it deteriorated.
I think its important to gather info.
Thank you


Well-Known Member
13 September 2005
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It's worth sending Zoon a PM, she is on a yard Kent where 2 have got it. One died yesterday. She's wuite rightly worried sick so she may be able to give you info symptoms etc.


Well-Known Member
6 April 2008
East Sussex
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We had two go down with this a couple of months ago. Luckily both survived but I think only because we had them on drips within a couple of hours and we found them within an hour or so of its sudden onset. As soon as the first blood tests results were in on that first day the vet advised calling the kennels :eek: Previous to this both horses were very fit, in full on work, competing. Both are around 9 and had been in excellent physical health.

Both were found stationary in the field, both had cuts all up their legs from what we think was panic galloping, one was bleeding from his lungs through his nose, both were in muck sweats, one was groaning very loudly, and both had tied up. They had massively high enzyme results on all tests. One had dark brown urine when he came off the drip (this was 3 days I think). Neither would eat but both drank massively when given water. Neither showed signs of colic. We had to manually hold them up for the 3 days whenever they looked liked going down. They didn't poo or wee for a couple of days.

If I think of anything else I'll get back to you as am typing in a rush to get off to the school run, sorry!

Hope it helps. Sorry you've been through this too, its just dreadful :mad:


Well-Known Member
13 November 2008
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2 on our yard with it now - 1 died yesterday.

1st was very dull and depressed looking and so stiff behind that she wouldn't move. Went into vets and put on fluids. Muscles enzymes elevated and red urine and low temp. Dead 48hrs later

2nd was yesterday and is still at vets - fingers crossed. Owner took horse on hack and she was her normal forward self. Got back and she had an odd shoulder muscle tremor. Owner was on high alert so called vet - blood test showed elevated muscles enzymes. Horse taken in striaght away and on fluids - so far looking to be responding


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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Is this something that is increasing this year? there seems to be more cases reported or could it be a case of better reporting/knowledge?


Well-Known Member
9 October 2009
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This is not something I have ever come across but I wanted to wsh you all the best and thank you for raising my awareness of it

Good luck