Well-Known Member
After having my boy for 6 months I thought I was getting to know him... It seems not...After his summer field has been grazed to a mm he has been turned out in the big field with about 20 sheep. For the first few days he came back to his field at night. The last 3 days he has been in the big field 24/7. I went to get him today to give him a groom and generally say hello. He stood in his field to be groomed quite happily, needed polo encouragement to have his feet picked out but was generally well behaved. I have 9 poles on the ground in his wee field so thought I would do a bit of leading him over these in walk and trot. He turned into a livewire! We walked/trotted over them in different directions but he started head tossing and crossing in front of me. Then he started a high pitch whinny and rearing up?? It's very windy today and he seemed a bit spooky but he has never reared before and he did it twice. I calmed him walked him a bit more then turned him back out to the big field as was feeling a bit nervous. He cantered off to shake up the sheep then went back to grazing. Any thoughts as to why he was like this? The wind? Being boss of the sheep? Being asked to do something when he's not been ridden for a couple of weeks? And any ideas how I should handle it? I'm not that confident with half a ton jumping about at the end of the lead rope!