Thoughts on getting help with my gees


Well-Known Member
5 July 2011
A black hole somewhere down South
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This could turn into a lengthy deep breaths, cuppa and feeties up!

I work full time, care for my elderly/infirm parent and have four horses (2 very small so don't really count) and am certainly not in the full flush of youth myself!

My other two gees are a nearly 18yr old gelding who I hack about and have lessons on; the other is a rising 8yr old gelding backed last summer (yeah I know very late) but who needs bringing on and showing hopefully to a high level. My problems being (a) lack of time and (b) not being the most accomplished rider in the world who also suffers from stage fright!

In an ideal world, what I would like is someone to come along and help me with the 'youngster' by schooling, hacking out and eventually to show ride/do dressage on him for me. I don't want any financial contributions but nor can I afford to pay, and its not a share or loan situation. I would ideally like a sane, sensible, experienced & committed adult, who maybe doesn't have their own horse (but not necessarily of course) but who would like to still be involved and help me with mine.

Am I looking for the impossible/expecting too much? And where would I start looking for this paragon of experience/ability/committment with a good sense of humour :) There are adverts around from lots of teenagers, but (and no offence to teenagers) I am of the older genre and prefer adult company and the level we want to go to warrants an older more experienced person.

Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
11 October 2006
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What you are looking for is a perfect match for what I do.
I currently ride/school/compete for two owners, both of which approached me on here out of the blue.
Putting an advert on preloved and similar places would be a good start. Be very specific about what you want and what you're offering but still expect a lot of unsuitable responses.
ETA - also change your location from cloud 9 to your actual area. That way there my be some interest from the forum.