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Hi needing some help and advice from anyone that has dealt with thrush in a very deep cleft between the heel bulbs. The cleft is deep enough to get whole hoof pick down there. The fields are muddy now so the scenario is horse comes in the with the cleft full of mud, its proving difficult to get the mud out that's right at the bottom of the cleft because our mare finds it painful and kicks out at my daughter and pulls it aggresively out of her hand. Ive heard that putting the hoofs in a hoof bag and then putting white lightening in it which gets into all the cracks is a good treatment and then using field paste to keep the mud out. So im thinking do i get the vet out to sedate her and clean the cleft out properly and then soak with the white lightening and then the field paste. Just wondering if the mud would still get in and then im back to square one. Really need to find a way of treating the thrush using a long term system to give a chance for the crack to grow out and then keep on top of it from there. Would love to hear from people that have had the same problem. Thank you