Thyroid meds causing problems after only 5 days :(


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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Have had to stop the Felimazole as Lardy has had diarrhoea with bloody mucus :( . She is otherwise OK in herself although wouldn't eat her Felix pouches last night or today but ate some tinned tuna. After Googling on the internet though I was convinced she had beginnings of kidney failure :(

I called the vet - lucky it was my vet doing the holiday rota and he said a reaction that quick is more likely something to do with the meds themselves rather than revealing existing kidney disease and had probably caused colitis.

So he has advised leave off meds for 48hrs then call him again and if she is OK to retry at a lower dose to start.


Well-Known Member
4 August 2007
Down South
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Oh what a shame :( How worrying for you.

Now I think about it, the first med Alice had made her poorly, then she was changed to the Felimazole which has been fine in our case.

Hopefully the other type will be ok for your Lardy if you don't succeed with the lower start x


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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Thanks - she has had more bloody diarrhoea overnight and this morning but I cooked her some chicken and she ate that.

Will be on to the vet a bit later - once I have gone up the stables to check my geldings leg. I'm having a real problem with recurring mudfever and his leg is now swollen, only had the vet last week to prescribe something different. I gave him a couple of bute over the weekend to bring the swelling down but I think that has upset his stomach. Or it could be the iron supplement I've put him on as he is slightly anaemic arrgh all my animals are falling apart :(

pines of rome

Well-Known Member
11 December 2010
West Sussex
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My cat is on vidalta for his thyroid and he has never been sick on this, maybe you could ask to try it for yours! I also have the vet coming to my horse today who is lame! I know how you feel!!!