Time of the month.... in mares.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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What are your mares like when they are in season? My old mare you could never every tell she was never stroppy or bad tempered or any different to ride. But for the last couple of days my 17 month old filly has been very bolshy. Trying to squash you, no manners, even tried to nip. And tonight bringing her in from the field she reared 3 times. Something she has not done for a long time. I thought I wonder if she is in season. Went in her stable and yes she is. As I have never had to cope with it with my other mare (and other horse is a gelding) just wondered what other peoples mares are like and how they cope with them being like that. And suggestions on what to do when she is like this. Normally she is very pleasant and placid. And she isn't being really ratty and bad tempered just bolshy. Thanks folks.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2004
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Spring is generally a nice horse (opinionated but likeable!), when she had her first season of the year she became bolshy, bargey and very clingy to the other horses and refused to leave them in the field. I put her on Oestress and have never looked back, the only way I know she is in season now is because she is a little more shouty (will have a whinny as we walk away from the field and will whinny at me a lot more), other than that she is as she is in winter.

You mare isn't very old is she? These may be her first seasons which may be why she is being a little hard to handle. New hormones and feelings that she is becoming accustomed to, I would see how she goes as the days are getting shorter now (sadly
) they should all be starting to wind down their seasons. Sympathetic but firm handling is the way I would go, take no bad manners but remember that hormones are strong things and can make the most placid mare a nightmare!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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I am not sure how many season she has had. I do remember here being like this a while back, so could have been the same thing. Will mark on the calendar and see if there is a pattern to her behaviour. It must be hard for them like a teenager, not sure of what is going on in their bodies etc. It was just a shock she behaved like this today, especially the rearing up as she came in from the field. Normally she walks along side you like a donkey!!!!! Hope this doesn' last too long though.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
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Tilly was exacatly the same at pretty much that exact age!!!

But she seems to get better with each season - so much so that I rarely notice now. Just remember not to excuse the bahaviour because she's in season and hopefully (like Tilly has) she'll improve. If I notice tilly is in season I just take things quietly with her for a few days - best not to pick a fight in the first place. Hopefully she's just finding her hormones are all over the place as they're just kicking in and both them and her will settle over the next few months - just like most teenagers.


Well-Known Member
22 July 2006
Kent, South East
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Mine is defeinlty in season, she has never been this bad but you could always tell. I thought I got away with it as had no moods since these 2 weeks. Shes been refusing to come in from the field, just not walking out of the gate, rearing, napping, spinning!! And when you ride shes bucking, and not listening. And being a lot more stroppy in her stable, field!! I am excussing it to a certain extent, becuase you cant tell them off for being hormounal,, the only time I think a rememider and a punishment should be used is when the mare becomes dangerous.


Well-Known Member
28 October 2005
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Thank goodness its not just my mare. I was beginning to think that she hated me
she has gone from being quite loving (well as loving as she gets anyway) to coming to see me in the field solely to see if I've got any food. If I havn't then she goes off and you can't get near her again. I tried to catch her last night to put a rug on her but after 10 mins of going round in circles I gave up. If I give her something and then try and sneak a cuddle in she backs off and pulls away. I think I might try her on some supplements when I start feeding her short feed again. Its got to be worth a go....she's not known as Stropy Cropi for nothing


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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Hmmm... When Hannah is not in foal you can certainly tell she is in season! When first bought her she had to be put on Regumate because she was coming in every 16 days or so, but she was an absolute nightmare with it.

Han doesn't rear she just becomes super spooky (a grid she has gone over a hundred times is a scary monster) and spends the whole time with her tail stuck up in the air snorting! She has this horrible sharp snort that she does whenever she sees another horse which kills your eardrum!

She is also an absolute lunatic to lead and ride... that's why i am always a little funny about people bringing her in and putting her out. She has frightened quite a few people in the past.