Time wasting sellers


Well-Known Member
14 September 2005
North East Suffolk
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I've spent the last few months looking for a schoolmaster novice eventer for a 15 yr old. These are the ones I've been to see, not mentioning the endless phone calls, always to mobiles to find that horse was either sold weeks ago and they haven't bothered to remove the ad, or it has no similarity to what is being advertised.

Sellers moan about time wasting buyers - here is my list of time wasting sellers

1 - supposed to do dressage and jump to 1.30m, would only canter on 1 leg and struggled over 1.05m. Also was supposed to be well hunted but only went once.

2 - Ex JRN horse that was extremely heavy on the hands and pulled Bee's shoulder muscles

3 - Ex JRN horse had been injured 2 years ago and was told on phone had been eventing since with no probs, when I went to see it had only been dressage and SJ as they were unsure about it's leg!

4 - psycho when taken into open space, had to get daughter off quick after she sat 3 broncing displays, seller then said 'oh that's what she always used to do' having told me she was safe and easy!

5 - Exactly what we want, have left a deposit and will arrange vetting!.

Now none of the above were particularly nearby and all were questioned extensively. However only the last was anything like his description.


Well-Known Member
7 November 2004
Perth, Australia
Its easy to say, but dont lose heart. I am currently selling a horse, and always return phone calls, Am very honest, and tell them exactly what the horse is and who its suitable for.

People do waste your time, as they do mine. But there are good honest sellers out there. Its just finding them.


Well-Known Member
4 June 2003
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Thanks for that. Have only just bought a new horse and my experiences no where as bad as yours but horses not always what they were promised by a long shot.


Well-Known Member
13 March 2004
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We once travelled from Cumbria to South Wales to look at a 13.2 pony only to find he was nearer 12.2. The seller was surprised when I said not to bother tacking it up as we weren't interested.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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I've spent the last few months looking for a schoolmaster novice eventer for a 15 yr old. These are the ones I've been to see, not mentioning the endless phone calls, always to mobiles to find that horse was either sold weeks ago and they haven't bothered to remove the ad, or it has no similarity to what is being advertised.

Id ask more questions on the phone. Or demand a DVD of it first! If its meant to have done 1.30m etc. ask when and exactly how often. Some people say this but then actually the horse has only ever jumped the height once (and probably accidentally!).

If its a schoolmaster you want who's novice evented then get proof. Ask them what events it has done and what results its got. If BE evented then check its records online. If done unaffiliated (at open level) then possibly ask for the number of the riding clubs secretary etc. who could tell you if they've even heard of the horse! You can do as much delving as you like. The last people I sold a horse to secretly phoned a person from my riding club and local centre to ask about it. I didnt mind but Id preferred if they'd just asked for the numbers as Id happily have told them!

I think the key in buying is to ask SO many questions and read into the questions. Never assume anything. If they say its evented at whatever level, GET PROOF!