Tips for catching naughty mare please!


Well-Known Member
3 December 2008
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My mare has been lovely to catch until this month! She started just running away for a few mins then giving in (the sort of time spring grass started coming thru) then in the last few weeks she's got naughtier. Last wknd she tried to bite me and my friend with her ears back and if you got too near she reared up. Managed to get her in the end with an apple and quickly putting headcollar on.
Put her in a small field with 1 other horse this week and she's had a personality transplant, greeting me at the gate. She is now back in the big field as small one needed for other horses and she wasn't too bad but still a bit bitey!!
I think she's worse in big field as she's dominant and doesn't want to leave her mare friends.

Any one have any ideas for making her better? I see her every day, when I don't ride (rarely) I have started catching her and giving her a very small feed so she knows I don't always ride when I catch her.

Once she is caught she is fine!

Sorry for the essay!! Any help much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
11 June 2008
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sounds like my horse! he has now taught my other horse to be like this!!
but i leave his headcollar on now... not much you can do really. like your hes better in a small field as in the big field he herds the mare!! sorry no help, but not much you can do i dont think.. is she in season?


Well-Known Member
3 December 2008
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Yes! which doesn't help!! But she's been naughty for over a week now so the excuse of being in season is wearing out!!


Well-Known Member
19 November 2007
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Different techniques required for different horses!

Mine turns from a lovely biddable chap to a dominant hooligan - spring grass, and being part of the herd etc.
He cuts another horse away from the group to act as a barrier between us and him!

As a team (Mum, Dad & Daughter) and don't let him stop to eat till we catch him. We don't get angry or make a fuss, we just keep him gently moving. He gets very cross and threatens to kick out, but gives up once he realises we are not going to stop.

Once caught we give him a small pile of carrots in the stable and a small handful of tasty horseage. We don't always ride him once caught.
So far this year he has been good!

Other methods hiding the head collar behind your back or up jumper/catching then letting go again/a bucket of a few carrots/join up/not always riding/etc./dropping shoulder and looking down inviting the horse in etc.

Please wear a hat and watch out as even my lovely lad - who never kicks threatens when he wants the grass. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
26 May 2008
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just make sure you catch her no matter how long it takes and reward, headcollar on, if you feel its safe or catch her friend first and walk off see if she follows , depends on the horse as to whether it will play games or deliberately bugger off so you have no chance , mine wanders away then runs away so i chase a bit like she is going to get told off and she gives up , but she knows whos boss and that i wont give in , however if she galloped off thats a different matter would keep me fit though