Having returned from a rather wet and muddy day my hunt coat is in need of a clean and just wondering what people find is the best way of removing the mud? It's navy blue. Thanks
You can either sponge off gently while it's still wet or you can brush with a stiff brush when dry; both seem to work as well as each other but do remember the coat needs to dry naturally so don't bung it on a radiator even though that would be quicker!
If it is a proper hunt coat you'll probably do it more favours with dry brushing. Wet sponging can drive mud deeper into the fibers if it is done too quickly. But if you are plastered having fallen sponging the worst off whilst still wet and the rest after drying works better.
Is it cavalry twill, or melton? On occasion (heavily impacted sticky mud following a fall) I have actually had to resort to hanging my coat (it's cavalry twill) in the garden and directing the garden hose at it. That sounds rather brutal but it worked well. It's essential to then allow the coat to dry gently. When it's fully dry, brushing with a clothes brush removes the remaining traces. I had fears that the coat would shrink, but that hasn't happened. However, if it's normal spattering I just let the mud dry then brush it off. One thing I would avoid at all costs with a good coat is dry cleaning.