tips for transporting and settling horses into a new country


Well-Known Member
11 December 2011
Limassol, Cyprus
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Myself and ponio are moving to the UK from Cyprus in early September and I was wondering what tips people have to help your horse settle into a new country.

How they've helped their horses adjust to temperature change - whether it being cold to hot or vise versa.
Change in diet, tips for the transport journey and anything else really.

The main one that I was given was: don't get to the UK and whack him in a lovely green, grassy paddock after never being on grass livery EVER - introduce it slowly!

Oh and don't clip him :rolleyes: :D


Well-Known Member
27 January 2009
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I moved my horse from southern Spain to UK and there were no problems, and I know plenty of others how have done the same - I think in general that with some common sense it's fairly simple (though I'm sure others have had worse experiences...most that I know of have been related to changes in ownership and exercise rather than the change in country itself!).

P had a 5 day lorry journey on hay only. Once he arrived in the UK we introduced him to the hard feed we use as you would any other horse. We built up the grazing from 30 minutes a day up to a full day out over 2 or 3 weeks. He adjusted very easily and grew a thick winter coat come the colder weather.

You know your horse well already (presumably!) so just listen to him and be sensible, I'm sure you'll both be fine :)


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Myself and ponio are moving to the UK from Cyprus in early September and I was wondering what tips people have to help your horse settle into a new country.

How they've helped their horses adjust to temperature change - whether it being cold to hot or vise versa.
Change in diet, tips for the transport journey and anything else really.

The main one that I was given was: don't get to the UK and whack him in a lovely green, grassy paddock after never being on grass livery EVER - introduce it slowly!

Oh and don't clip him :rolleyes: :D

Yes good old Cyprus which we visit every year for the past 9 years . And going this year too

One of my liveries has moved here from Bermuda, the horse is used to a different climate and grazing. She did nothing special, the paperwork was thorough and there was some after landing calls in relation to quarantine etc. But that was ironed out and now he has settle in well. Mud /snow rich grass are new to him. she checks his pulse for lami like we all do as he isnt used to rich grass. Really there isnt anything she did special except keep him warm through the winter.

he had to do via NY and be in quarantine there for 3 months before flying to Amsterdam then boxing here
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