Tips of getting a young horse to be more responsive to the leg


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21 May 2014
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I have a young horse, he just turned 4 last week, been ridden under the saddle for 3 months now,
When I first got him back from being broken in 3 months ago, he was very responsive off the leg, the slightest touch was like rocket fuel to him, he was very forward going and responsive in walk, trot and canter

Over the last month, he has turnt quite unresponsive to the leg.

he does roughly 30mins of schooling 4 days a week and 2 days 15min hacking each week.

I don't understand what has changed him, why he isn't as responsive as he used to be?

shall I cut down on his work? change his food? not sure.. any tips/help/advice welcome

I don't want to use whips of spurs, he is too young.

be positive

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9 July 2011
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The most likely reason he has become less responsive is that you have trained him to be, probably without realising you may have found him a little too reactive so little by little have taught him to react less, you can turn it round by making sure you only use your leg when required then stop asking once he has moved, it will take a little while to get him moving forward again but by riding him carefully he will get back to where he was.

I do think that 30 mins schooling 4 days a week and only doing in total 30 mins hacking is the wrong way round, I would get him out hacking more and let him see the world it should help with the forwardness you want, you can school while hacking, he should start to get fitter and stronger, if you have hills use them.

Dry Rot

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31 May 2010
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A very wise post from Be Positive. We all listen more intently to someone who talks quietly and animals are no different! Sometimes less is more.


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8 April 2012
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I feel that is a lot of schooling, i did this with mine and made her manage sick, try hacking more you can school on quite roads like leg healding across and back the lanes and stopping and walking forward. since mine has stopped the manage work she is soooooo much better, end of the day they are like young children they soon get board!


Well-Known Member
2 November 2013
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I agree with the others. Mix it up more BUT having said that, your horse had a job to do and it should do its job whenever you ask it to. Buy a firm schooling whip and use it to back up your leg aids but not to hit yourpoint.


Well-Known Member
21 April 2014
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Yes, switch your routine, more hacks, less "schooling in the ring" - no reason at all why you can't traverse down a country lane side to side. Do turns on the fore/backhand to open gates. Make training just part of his going out game! The gate-opener trick is great - who wants to keep dismounting for gates - plus he will see a purpose for your legs asking him to move which way.


23 May 2014
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Yes definitely agree - as people are suggesting - more variety through the week.
More hacks - less schooling. Think outside the box a little more with the schooling too. Do some groundwork on some days instead of ridden work. leading around obstables and over poles dotted round school. Use voice a good deal for commands. walk on, slow, steady, halt etc. Halting between cones - bending in and out of line of cones - all conducive to muscular suppleness & development and responsiveness to voice. Use voice more when ridden. When ridden, change the way you are using aids. - always release hands after horse responds - be aware how you do it. Legs: - think about whether they are tightening up - think about it all the way through your leg - ankle to thigh & even in seat - could you be tightening and restricting forwards movement in some way. If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got - think about it and change how you ask. Good luck
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