These unwashed anti types are completely unable to back up anything they say.
Pigs, perverts and barbarians they call people who hunt deer.
I am just trying to find out what they mean exactly. Therefore I think it is completely justifiable to ask which Master of staghounds has been the most evil and why.
"Oh Master Tom! Still trying to trip up the elusive sabs and antis. I find you all odious at times. BIG YAWN! "
For a start, I would never call you lot elusive.
The unwashed smell usually precedes....I usually pick it up when you come up Elworthy barrows or past the Exeter Inn. Depending on what direction you approach.
And you don't, um how shall I put it, look exactly local do you?
But at least we got a little out of you Boudicca !
You find us all odious at times !!!
But not at other times ?
My old mum sometimes cooks a sausage at a hunt breakfast. Odious ? Blood on her hands ?
Come on Boudicca !!!
Bite the bullet !
Wake up ! Stop yawning ! A job might help !
Which of us is the most odious of all time ?
And tell us why.
You must have an opinion.
I can hardly believe you know nothing about the subject !!!
The winner gets a gift voucher for Debenhams. The perfumery section is always on the ground floor.
TF, I havent got a clue as I know next to nothing regarding deer hunting. I admit to smelling though! Im currently wearing a good dash of "Pong de Billygoat", very exclusive and lingering.Ive been helping a friend with her goats today and am severly contaminated by billy.Hoping it will wear off in a few days. :grin: Mairi, the smelly washed one.
Jerome, I've been thinking for sometime that you're incapable of posting anything intelligent. Why don't you wait for Endy to post and then copy him. Something really clever like 'yawn' or 'grunt'.
"I'm beginning to think Ereaim and Fag are one and the same."
Well done.
Does it matter if we are?
You are completely pointless. And I would say you are wasting your time Jerry. Even though you declare your main hobby to be "annoying people on message boards", I would say you are failing.
I can't say I go out and kick the dog when I have read one of your brilliant messages.
I never hunted with them, but used to spend most Sundays with some of the hunt staff (used to go out with local policeman). I used to hunt with the Quantock, which are generally as you describe.
Because everytime they hunt round us, they anoy the hell out of me!!
As i said, i'm pro hunting, and have been out with all sorts from a young age!! Dulverton Farmers, D&S, TFH, Eggesford, Taunton Vale etc.
But back in the day before hunting was banned, and the TSH were hunting round us (which they often do) i would of been happy to sign at petition to ban hunting!!
Where i live, there's only very narrow single track roads, that obviously arn't straight, the TSH feel the need to drive at 70+ mph round these roads, without a care for what might be round the corner, be it me riding out, or someone walking their dog, or even a car coming the other way.. everyone has to get out their way, and when they do (and wait god knows how long for the 100s of car followers to pass) i've never had a thankyou for getting out of their way!!
I could go on!!
Anyway, i always thought hunting was horse and hound, not a few red coats on horses, and 100s of cars/bikes!