Horse servant
My mare has low grade laminitis in one foot. She is sound going out to the sand paddock, but after hooning about, she is lame again. Vet said to put her out for a couple of hours daily, but I am now going to try keeping her on box rest for a week and see if this helps it to settle down. I was thinking that now she is on box rest again, to give her one danilon a day. Not for the pain, because in the stable she is very comfortable, but for the inflammation, to help it to settle down. I have given her one this morning. Do you think the danilon will help mend her? I think that the laminitis is so low grade now that it is just residual inflammation that keeps getting aggravated by movement. If she would just walk around calmly, she would be fine going out as vet suggested, but I have to separate her from her friends as she steals all the haylage
and they go in the field next to her, but every time they have a hoon about, or leave her and go to the other end of the field, she stresses.
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