To scope or not??


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22 September 2010
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My thoroughbred 26 yr old has had a runny nostril since sept I’ve had 5 lots of antibiotics a head X-ray and the dentist and nothing has shown up, the antibiotics stopped the smell the first and second time but it doesn’t smell anymore.
My next step would be for a scope, my worry is would he cope with this, he has a heart murmur.
the vet has said could be a tumour or a ethmoid haematoma.
I have turned him out 24/7 now but his nose seems to be worse in the morning.
Any nice advice welcome

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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I would scope, it is nothing to be concerned about as they can be done with mild sedation if they are relaxed and quiet, one of mine didn't require any when he was done, racehorses are also routinely done without when possible, it is not a pleasant procedure but it may well give you the answers you need for a few minutes of minor discomfort when the scope first starts to go in.