New User
Hi sorry this has probably been asked a million times... pony came in really quite lame on the front few weeks ago and a fat leg next morning(in inside and outside, not the back - so maybe a suspensory?). As on maternity leave can't afford the vet so kept her in for two weeks. Leg went down and heat went lovely so started in hand walking, completely terrifying! Haha! Did this twice a day. I say walking it was quite a lot of sideways jogging to be honest. Anyway, I have a small baby and was really really struggling with keeping her on box rest as well and trying to get someone to have the baby (especially with coronavirus now and isolation etc) whilst I walked her out so decided to give sedalin and turn out. All went well. Came in sound, phew. This morning, swelling came up slightly but not heat. Lame in trot. Could have cried. Anyway decided it was do or die and have given sedalin again and turned out. Kind of want some reassurance that if I just decide to turnaway she will eventually come sound for hacking and light unaffiliated competition and I havent just completely ruined my pony???