To young to hunt?


Well-Known Member
29 September 2009
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I have a homebred ISH 4 yr old mare, 16.2 hh bred by Embla Statesman from a long line of hunters. She is well developed very sensible been to a few fun rides and just started jumping. She is very laid laid back . Do you think a days hunting would be ok or to early for her i was thinking possibly a beginers day drag hunt? or am i been to premature and should i wait till she has established her jumping? Thought it may get her going a bit more forward ?


Well-Known Member
3 June 2009
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I hunt pretty much all my four old year olds. What jumping they do depends on what they're being like on the day and what they've done previously. I'd say take yours hunting, do a few simple jumps if you're in control and she's a careful jumper. You can always skip the jumps if you'd prefer, afterall.


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
Having had a few Statesmans in the past, I would think it'll be well within her limits but just make sure you don't tire her too much as it doesn't do any good to bottom a youngster, no matter how big and strong they seem IMHO so short days until she gets stronger would be the way I'd go.
Yours must be one of his last, such a shame he's gone, he was a star on all counts.


Well-Known Member
4 September 2009
Heading for Bus Pass.
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I have a homebred ISH 4 yr old mare, 16.2 hh bred by Embla Statesman from a long line of hunters. She is well developed very sensible been to a few fun rides and just started jumping. She is very laid laid back . Do you think a days hunting would be ok or to early for her i was thinking possibly a beginers day drag hunt? or am i been to premature and should i wait till she has established her jumping? Thought it may get her going a bit more forward ?

A few half days should be no problem. We always used to hunt our babies - but not overly. Pick your Meets and keep out of the way of trouble. Have fun.


Well-Known Member
29 September 2009
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Thats great thanks guys! ill look for some beginers days and just go for half a day and see how we go !! just wish i had one of you living close to me to baby sit me for my day!
Yes she was one of his last he died sadly when she was about 18 months old i dont think he covered much in the last 12 months. I know yvonne at Embla was on the search for one of his off spring. He was gorgeous i just wish i had had another.x


Well-Known Member
4 September 2009
Heading for Bus Pass.
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Thats great thanks guys! ill look for some beginers days and just go for half a day and see how we go !! just wish i had one of you living close to me to baby sit me for my day!
Yes she was one of his last he died sadly when she was about 18 months old i dont think he covered much in the last 12 months. I know yvonne at Embla was on the search for one of his off spring. He was gorgeous i just wish i had had another.x

Where are you located? One of us might know someone local??