Today, I have to say goodbye to one of my best friends x


Well-Known Member
8 January 2006
I am in pieces right now, some of you may recall I have a few elderly horses, one of which, Sir Just William I very nearly lost the weekend before Easter, well, last night was his last night, and he is just spending a few hours at the moment with his horsey friends.

He is such an amazing horse, so loyal, crazy, amazing and a true one in a billion – I will never find another like him ever.
So many people had given up on him, even when I had just got him (had just turned 15) the YO where I was stabled had arranged to ‘dispose of him’ they had a field arranged out of my sight so that I wouldn’t get more attached! Basically, he was apparently ‘a danger to humans, other horses and himself!’ my parents though knew I was fine with him and he has NEVER done anything untoward towards me, he has protected me even.
William has always been so misunderstood by people, but we ‘got each other’ and my god, we had a blast back in the day! We are now in our 12th year together. He was retired 4 years ago and has been enjoying the happy life ever since. I cant help but feel guilty though, since being retired, we haven’t done much together, plus with having the boys etc. On the other hand, he is the type that hates being in, and gets very stressed so i guess hes had his life how he wants it.

Mentally, he is still acting like he is fine, trying to gallop off etc, but his body has totally given up on him, I think TBH his hip has gone?? Hence, its time to say goodbye, its just so bloody hard as mentally as I say, he is as fit as a fiddle!
I have even said I am going to quit horses now after loosing him, and just have my Shetland (my 2nd pony) and my section d (my 3rd pony, who is now in her 20s) but yes, I could sell the others, but then I would have to keep Trigger, whos also 27…. My head is everywhere!

The only other horse I have lost was very sudden, last January when she severed a tendon, she was only 10. That was hard, but maybe easier as it was sudden, whereas now, I am having to choose when!

i hate this! why do we put ourselves through it with animals!

I'll miss him sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (to infinity!) much!


Normal, 10 cats ago
14 January 2008
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Tremendous ((hugs)) to you and Sir William. How fortunate for him that his path crossed with someone who could understand him and do the best for him. A lifetime special horse, they are the best. More ((hugs)).


Well-Known Member
11 April 2009
North Wilts, UK
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Aww my heart goes out to you. Be strong for him and always retain the memories


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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I will be thinking about you both today. Hope every thing goes as peacfully as possible for you. And you will always have the good memories of your special time with him!!


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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Sending you hugs. Well done for being strong enough to put Williams well being before your own feelings. It will be very hard but it will be less painful as time goes on and you will be able to look back on all the great memories you have of him.


Well-Known Member
7 April 2008
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Thinking of you today. I know it's horrid, as you say why do we put ourselves through this? We do it because for however many years we have our horses, we know, and I think particularly with you, that we've done our very best for them. With your boy you took him on and gave him the security and care that it sounds as if many people would not have been prepared to do. For 12 years he has rewarded you for that love. Today is that final show of love that will spare him future months and years of pain and discomfort.
Best wishes, and hope all happens peacefully and with dignity.
(((((((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))) xx


Well-Known Member
29 March 2008
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I am so very sorry to read your post but the one thing that comes across is how much you love him. It is this love that will see you through today and help you to do what must be done

Treasure your memories



Well-Known Member
1 August 2008
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Ahh hun im so sorry! Huge hugs for you, i know exactly what your going through and now ive got tears!! be strong babe xxx


Well-Known Member
28 February 2008
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So sorry to hear of your sad news, remember all the good times and how lucky you have both been to have each other.


A time for us to part, my beloved friend,
for I can see your time on earth is at a end.

It is time for you to gallop to heaven,
but know my love for you is never-ending.

I will see you again, my friend,
in a place in eternity where joy never ends


By Katie Benson


New User
12 April 2009
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We had to do the same almost a year ago. I was in pieces for weeks after. I am practically in tears just writing this and remembering. BUT, you have so many happy thoughts and times to remember and these will help, you gave him the best years of his life and he was lucky to have you, so remember and hang onto that thought.

Everything you are doing is the best for him.

My thoughts are with you


Well-Known Member
27 February 2009
North East England
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i'm so sorry
You should be proud of yourself for being strong enough to do the right thing by him. My horse is called Just William too, so your post really hit home!

RIP William x


Well-Known Member
26 June 2008
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I'm so sorry hun, i was worried it might be this when i saw your fb. At least he came back fighting from easter and got to enjoy some of the lovely warm sunshine we've had since. He was such a handsome boy, and a gentleman, can't believe people thought he was dangerous. Well done for giving him a happy life for the last 12 years, but he's an old man now and i'm glad you're doing the right thing by him. Give him a kiss from me, i know you will make his last moments special, and you have many years of happy memories of him to look back on. Don't give up on the others, in time you will know that it's worth the pain because you gave them so much and they gave you so much back, and at least you made sure that they were ok until the end.



Sorry i never sent you those before, i intended on getting some better ones at some point.

If you need a chat, you know where i am. xxx <<hugs>> make sure Vix gives you a nice big hug.


Well-Known Member
8 January 2006
Thank you for all of your kind words, i have an Update - i am totally confused!

i was down most of the morning and just sat watching him in the field, just before the evt was due to arrive, i went into the field to get him, now this is the horse that couldnt walk first thing this am.... he bloody well did his thing that he did and charged off with me at the other end of the leadrope, as he went i flung it over his neck (after so long, i have it off to a fine art!) He wanted to go back into one of the fields i opened up last night for more grass..... anyway, as the vet pulled up i started to walk/drag him out of the field, we took him onto the nearest heli-pad for the vet to see him. (this is where my late mare was PTS, in sight of her fellow herd members - it really helped them to understand and cope IMO)
to cut a long story short - the vet said he could, try and give him another chance!!! SOoooooooo, he gave him 2 jabs, a strong steriod, and a a painkiller that he said is 30 times strong than bute. He said that by 5pm, i will know if this is the end for him or not???
Its totally messed my head up as i had said my goodbyes. William knew something was going to happen, and suddenly went into wild, unhandled 3 year old colt mode! (hes known for doing this when vets are around!) the vet thinks that he isnt actually in pain, or that he isnt actually suffering, despite the fact it looks on the surface that he is. He was really happy that mentally, he was full of it.
As i say, its really confused me! the vet did say that the reason he may have suddenly deterioated could be something to do with his spinal cord and nervous system, but he said it could possibly heal....
I requested a long established vet from the practice so i have to go with his judgement and advice, he did say that if i want him PTS at any piont, just call him back and he'll come back, but he said its worth giving him a last chance. So that i have done.
emotional rollercoaster!
If he is still struggling/no improvement in the next 24/36 hours, or mentally he looses his fight to live, then the vet will be called back asap.


Well-Known Member
26 June 2008
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He says he's not going when its rainy and crap

I'm glad he's picked back up again, although can't even imagine what a roller coaster you are on at the moment. I guess just enjoy every day with him that you can. Keep me updated, hope the meds do the job xx