Tom Beech - osteopathic vet.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2018
West Lothian, Scotland
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I've heard good things about Tom Beech, the osteopathic vet who is based (I think) in Manchester. I'm considering getting him to look at my boy who has issues with a tight/sore lumbar/SI region that no-one has really managed to pin down to any cause, and hasn't really responded all that well to various therapies and modalities. I've heard that he has a pretty high success rate in cases like this, and think it's worth giving him a go before I venture down the very expensive scans/scintigraphy investigative route with my vet.

Would anyone else in Scotland be interested in having him see their horse? He needs a minimum of ten horses to make travelling to Scotland worth his while. I'm in West Lothian, but I presume he wouldn't expect all the horses seen to be at the one location.