I'm booked on a clinic on Tuesday and I'm really looking forward to it BUT we are forecast 20mph winds on Tuesday. Is it too windy to take a trailer out in that? The drive will be approx 50 minutes.
I have driven in that but if you're not confident then don't do it. The only time I didn't take the trailer to my lesson was when we had 40 plus mph winds.
Ok - I'll see how I feel on the day. I'm relatively new to towing but haven't had any problems so far and have felt comfortable towing.
The tow car is a meaty Defender 110 so shouldn't be buffeted too much.
If you do go take it uber slow and if you get at all worried, just come back. Nothing is worth you and your horses safety good luck! I used to hate taking my lorry out in the wind - it terrified me!
I personally don't tow in gale force winds as there is that horrible feeling as you go past a gateway and the trailer gets moved by the wind or are higher than the hedges and I have been towing for a long time. I am very cautious when towing as I have precious cargo on board!!
20mph is nothing just a stiff breeze - I had to get one to the vets in 50mph winds (gusty) and had no probs but I would avoid very open areas prone to crosswinds, My journey was along sheltered back roads so took the chance.