rosie fronfelen
Well-Known Member
Where on earth can i find new top boots for OH that dont cost millions of pounds?
If you don't want to go down the made to measure route. What about getting a pair of tops put on a new pair of boots?
Have you tried Ian Compton at Calcutts? He had a pair of brand new boots in the second hand bit last year with tops on, that were really well priced.
OH had his tops put on in Stowmarket (traditional shoe/bootmakers), but some saddlers know some people that do them really well.
I will say thought watch out for some people who say they can do them and can't, they end up ruining a pair of boots and the boots looking awful too
These may also be worth exploring. Bestboots offer a leather lined, leather topped, rubber outer boot. Guaranteed 100% to have Judgemental seething. My ex used to have a pair of their normal black hunting boots and to be honest you couldn't tell the difference and they were a lot easier for him to keep clean (he was an idle sod!)
These may also be worth exploring. Bestboots offer a leather lined, leather topped, rubber outer boot. Guaranteed 100% to have Judgemental seething. My ex used to have a pair of their normal black hunting boots and to be honest you couldn't tell the difference and they were a lot easier for him to keep clean (he was an idle sod!)