Top line advice


Well-Known Member
30 May 2006
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Hello, I was at a show yesterday and although we were placed first (because he gave such a forward going comfortable ride) The judge said he needed more of a topline.
I have been working him in a lovely round shape for the last 4 months with some improvement, but no bulging muscles yet lol!
He has been on a diet to get rid of his belly so is scoring about 2.5 to 3 on a body score. I work him at least three days a week but usually four. our week consists of
1. One to two hour hack (with gallop or trot ut several hills and ditch to jump etc)
2. A 30 min lunging session of which 20 min is spent in a pessoa
3. A one hour flatwork schooling session whire 45 min is spent ridden in a contact working from behind and with the aim of encouraging him to release his back firther
4. A 30 to 40 min jumping lesson (if ground soft enough as indooe arena too small for jumpin)

So why is he lacking in topline- what is it im doing wrong. I dont want a fat horse just one with more shape. Is it his age he is only 5? although there is a five year old mare at the yard who is far more developed than he is. He is an ID x Hannovarian.

What feedstuff help improve topline?

Any info readily accepted!


Well-Known Member
15 October 2004
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Try and do some more work in the pessoa and tryaddingTop spec feed balancer to his meals at the same time. It would be an idea to work him most days if possible, he is still growing and building up does take time. Good luck!!


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
For his age, breeding and size he is doing quite a lot of intensive work even though it might be for only 4 times a week. He is still growing and probably will continue doing so until he's about 7 so I wouldn't push him too much if it was me. Slow and steady work interspersed with breaks of a week or two just turned out at grass so he can relax and regain some energy would be the way I would go. You can't ask a boy to do a man's work, he's just not ready for it and I'm sure if you can give him some holidays he will improve no end.
Feedwise I would be giving him some Blue Chip on top of his normal feed until he gets the weight you want, then cut out some of his basic feed but keep on with the BC.
Well done on the result yesterday.


Active Member
14 December 2005
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It takes time, and 4 months is not very long. Plus he's only 5 - you wouldn't really expect a 5 yr old to have a massive topline yet.

And it's only what one judge said, and we all know they can talk utter bullshxt, so I wouldn't worry too much about it!

You could try a balancer, but if he's a bit tubby and on a diet, I'm not sure it would make that much difference - balancers might help put weight on which could end up helping you build up a topline, but it doesn't sound like he needs any weight on!