Total Hunting Novice, Some Dumb Questions


Well-Known Member
18 January 2006
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I am "thinking" about going on a hunt. My horse in an ex hunter, so hopefully knows his job well enough to look after me. I have a few stupid questions beforehand though.

Can I go hunting and not jump? I am not a great jumper, and horse has a bit of arthritis, so would rather not jump if I didn't have to.

What would I need to wear?

I live in Essex if that is any help.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2007
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Have a go! you dont know til you try ;-)
Wear tweed until the opening meet then black or navy but tweed is normally fine for the odd visit! pale jods, long boots or short boots with half chaps are ok. Horse should be unplaited for autumn hunting and is ok to be unplaited anytime you have tweed on but should always be plaited when you wear a dark coat.
All hunts have nonjumpers- infact some hunts now have nonjumping masters who take that part of the field around jumps. My 2 have arthritis and they love it! I avoid trotting on the roads and only jump if i am happy with the ground.
I only know the Puckeridge who are Essex/Herts borders- very friendly bunch :) I am sure other Hho people can recommend others.


Well-Known Member
29 February 2004
Essex Farmers & Union are supposed to be a good crowd, have only met them at social events but they seem nice.

Here is a list of hunts in Essex:

If you give the secretary of the hunt you choose a ring they may be able to suggest someone you can buddy up with for your first time.

As for dress code you will never be incorrect wearing a tweed jacket with pale breeches, black boots, shirt and tie or hunting stock shirt and coloured stock with a riding hat. After the Opening Meet which is usually first week in November for most packs, the field usually switch to black or navy hunt coats - if you are an occasional visitor then you will be warmer to stick to ratcatcher (tweed) rather than investing in a woollen hunt coat.

As Dex says jumping is very much a voluntary activity on the hunting fields of East Anglia and there is always someone who knows the way round.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2009
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if you ring the secretary, I'm sure they would be able to find you someone to keep an eye on you.

Often hunts have a newcomers day usually before the opening meet, as a "taster". It's generally quieter and over easier country. Ours is October 17th and is a Saturday so more people will be able to come out.

Make sure you and your horse are fit enough to enjoy your day too - no point in getting tired and having to go home in the middle!


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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I have left a message with the Puckeridge to get the autumn dates - then Mac and Stinky are going out to play - you will be fine with the Puckeridge - reason why I hunted with them years ago is they are not that fast compared to some and there are always ways round fences.

Just thank your stars you are not going out with me on Breeze - that would have been scarey - she did not do slow.

I will sort you out with what to wear - no expert but been enough times to have a general idea of what to wear and do. No idea on costs now as it has been years since I hunted.

Am looking forward to it - we will need your disco to pull them as often parked on fields and my van may well end up stuck.


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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If you can get a driver, I have plenty of sloe gin and a hip flask - essential equipment when I hunted Breeze - needed lots of dutch courage. Delia was so smooth and steady I could canter along one handed swigging away at the flask - great after years of hanging on for dear life.

Wonder what Stinky will think - hopefully he will learn to get a good gallop on - still tends to have the handbrake on when asked to go in the show ring.

Hopefully Mac being experienced will be a good boy and show us the ropes (or not) :grin:


Well-Known Member
18 April 2009
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OMG, I can hear myself speaking!!!! Being a 40 something on a horse that we think hunted in Ireland as a baby, but has not done it since, I tried it 3 years ago. I hate jumping with a passion, since I had an accident jumping 5 years ago, it turns me cold.

Anyway, I went out with the Mendip Farmers, who made me very welcome and nobody turned an eyelid when I ran in the opposite direction of the stone walls and found a gate. In fact, there is always someone who does not jump, or one of the little kids wont want to do it, so dont worry. In fact on my first Boxing Day (dont use this as your first days hunting), the Hunt Secretary specifically asked if anyone was a non jumper and she guided them around the jumps. I had the best day ever, even though I fell off when my horse wouldnt stop after doing gates, and used another horse as his brakes, jettisoning me over his head and into a muddy field.

In fact, I can only do it when I have had several stirrup cups and have emptied the contents of my hip flask. All I do is kick on, hang on to my hunting breastplate (essential wear for your horse, we call them FM straps on our yard - work it out) and close my eyes. When our Field Master tells us at the jumps 'Take your places Ladies and Gentleman' my horse knows exactly what is going to take place and squeals. If I want to jump it I will, if I dont, I take off with the other non jumpers.

Go on, you will love it. Its scarey, but the adrenalin rush is fantastic. I am not the most confident of riders, but its done me and my horse the power of good.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2007
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Have fun with the Puckeridge- the secretary has my (adored and very very much missed) horse that i had to sell after OH had his accident forcing me to downsize our herd - say hi to Sol for me x